About Us

International Baccalaureate

International Baccalaureate – a broad, balanced, conceptual and connected curriculum.
IB centers students and encourages students to be deep learners, to ask good questions, to set and pursue effective goals, and to self-advocate. Assessment requires students to demonstrate higher-order thinking.


In the PYP, students use transdisciplinary approaches to explore six themes: who we are; where we are in place and time; how we express ourselves; how the world works; how we organize ourselves; sharing the planet.


In the MYP, through eight core subjects, students explore six global contexts that extend from and are based on the PYP themes: identities and relationships; personal and cultural expression; orientation in space and time; scientific and technical innovation; fairness and development; globalization and sustainability.


In the DP, students focus on six subject groups and the three elements of the DP core: Theory of Knowledge, an opportunity to reflect on perspectives and assumptions and how we know what we think we know; Extended Essay, an independent, self-directed research project yielding a 4,000-word paper; and Creativity, Activity, Service, a series of moments and a project related to these concepts.
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