Summer @ Annie Wright

We can't wait to see you this summer!

Welcome to Summer @ Annie Wright Schools, where we offer a robust line-up of Arts & Athletic camps for students from any school entering Grades 1-6 in the fall!
About the Program

Weeklong sessions are available June 23 - August 8 for students rising into Grades 1-6. For each enrolled M-F session, students participate in a morning (9:00 am - 12:00 pm) and/or afternoon session (1:00 pm - 4:00 pm) to explore, create, and play through arts and athletics-based activities led by local instructors, coaches, and some of our favorite AWS faculty. 
Full-day participation is welcome, and lunch supervision is available for students participating in both morning and afternoon sessions. A home-packed lunch is required as there is no on-campus food service during the summer months.
Pricing & Registration

Session fees are $175 for a half-day athletic program and $190 for a half-day arts program. Home-packed lunch supervision is available for students participating in both morning and afternoon sessions. Note: The cancellation deadline is Thursday, May 1. No returns or refunds thereafter.
Still have questions? Contact Arts & Athletics Assistant

We look forward to seeing you for another great Summer@AWS!

Summer@Annie Wright

We're here to answer any questions you may have!

Questions? Check out our FAQ below or reach us at or 253.284.4159.


List of 7 items.

  • What are the hours?

    Summer@Annie Wright sessions begin at 9:00 am and go until 4:00 pm with half-day, and full day options. Drop-off and check-in begins at 8:30 am.

    If you sign your camper up for a full day, our Summer@Annie Wright staff will take care of them during the lunch hour. Just send a sack lunch along with your camper – and we'll take care of the rest!
  • What does my full-day camper do from 12:00-1:00 pm?

    If you sign your camper up for a full day, our Summer@Annie Wright staff will take care of them during the lunch hour. Just send a sack lunch along with your camper – and we'll take care of the rest!
  • What should my camper wear?

    There is no uniform for summer programs. Your camper should wear appropriate, comfortable active wear and athletic shoes with a closed toe and heel. Hats are also acceptable. For special occasions, campers may be encouraged to wear spirit dress that is in theme with the camp.

    The following items are not permitted:
    • pajamas or pajama-type clothing
    • strapless tops or dresses; tops must have straps at least three fingers wide
    • clothing with holes, fraying, or tears
    • open-heeled or open-toed shoes, sandals or flip flips 
    • apparel depicting or referring to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, political messaging, inappropriate language or suggestive behavior
    • short shorts or skirts
    • low-cut or midriff-showing shirts
  • What should my camper bring?

    Your camper should bring the following items labeled:
    • sunscreen 
    • extra set of clothes
    • comfortable athletic shoes (no open-toed shoes or flip flops)
    • snacks (without nuts preferred)
    • swim suit & towel (swim camp only)
    • lunch (full-day campers only)
    Campers may not bring:
    • personal items from home not on the daily packing list above
    • games or toys from home
    • any weapon or replica of a weapon, or any item intended to be used as a weapon
    • Cell phones and other technology are discouraged. See below.

    Technology policy
    Cell phones and other technology devices and accessories are discouraged. If they are brought they must remain in the backpack and can only be retrieved after permission from an adult. Technology provides powerful tools for learning and communication, but for campers, it also presents the possibility for distraction and diminishing students’ emerging skills of attentiveness and ability to focus. In order to use technology, including laptops, cell phones, wearable technology, and any other devices - students must seek permission and use it under supervision, and it must be Summer@Annie Wright related. Campers who are found using their cell phones during the day will be reminded to put their phones away, and campers who repeatedly use their phones without permission risk confiscation and the loss of other privileges.
  • What is the ratio of counselors to campers?

    The average counselor to camper ratio is 10:1. 
  • Are scholarships available?

    We aim to price summer programs fairly and do not offer scholarships at this time. Payment plans are available to families who register before May 1.
  • Where do I go for questions?

    Our Summer@Annie Wright team looks forward to working with you.

    If you have any questions, you can email or contact Ruby Higginson, Arts & Athletics Assistant, at 253.284.4159.


List of 3 items.

  • Rules & Regulations

    Rules and regulations are deliberately kept to a minimum so that actions may spring from general principles of positive behavior. There are, however, certain areas in which we specify and outline certain expectations for behavior. Every effort is made to support campers in positive choices through modeling, previewing expectations and reminding. Consequences for misbehavior include:
    • Exclusion from camp
    • Individualized behavior plan
    • Repeated disregard for community expectations results in a referral to the camp director and ultimately suspension.
  • Camper Expectations

    Self-discipline is a characteristic of Summer@Annie Wright. Campers are expected to conduct themselves in ways that are conducive to maintaining high moral standards and academic, athletic, and social achievement. The foundation of Summer@Annie Wright is respect: respect for learning, respect for others, and respect for the place in which one learns. Self-discipline and the ability to distinguish right from wrong are challenges that each camper will meet during his/her life as a citizen. Annie Wright Schools do not tolerate behavior that is disruptive, destructive and/or illegal. Our team will work with campers and their families to promote positive social interactions and appropriate behaviors.
  • Medications & Health

    It is necessary for staff to supervise the dispensing of all medication at camp. Therefore, medicine will be stored and locked away. If a camper requires continued medication, Summer@Annie Wright must have on file written authorization from the prescribing physician.

    • Give medications to camp director only. Do not give to the counselors, coaches or instructors.

    Illness, Injuries & Emergencies

    • In case of injury or serious illness, parents will be notified immediately. Campers who become ill during the day will be seen by the director. Campers who are not able to return to camp will be asked to rest until their parents or caregivers are notified and arrangements are made to take them home.
    • For the well-being of your camper and those around them, please do not send your camper if they are running a fever, have diarrhea, are vomiting or displaying any COVID-19 symptoms.
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