Middle School
Learning in Action

Grade 7

Annie Wright Middle School provides students with a sound academic foundation in a supportive environment where structure and routine are balanced with the freedom to explore and develop individually.

Grade 7 Curriculum

List of 8 items.

  • Design

    This course introduces students to the Design Cycle which is, at its core, an iterative model designed to promote empathy-centered problem solving. The cycle has four criteria: Inquiring and Analyzing, Developing Ideas, Thinking Creatively, and Evaluating, and while working their way through each stage of the cycle, students often find they need to rethink their process and revisit stages of the cycle. Design is an experience-focused course that champions the process of design to stimulate productivity. Students track their progress and engage in reflection, an integral component of the process, using individualized design process journals in Adobe Express.

    Students use the skills previously acquired to problem solve with a focus on the human experience at large. Students will primarily focus on the power of design as it relates to empathy, frequently producing work that centers around the needs of others. Additionally, the traditional Milk Boat project supports design thinking and collaboration.
  • Individuals & Societies

    Individuals and Societies emphasizes the development of strong collaboration, research and study skills, exploring the world through the Key Concepts of Change, Global Interactions, Systems, and Time, Space and Place. Courses encourage students to draw connections to their own experiences, think critically about problems and solutions, and to seek out and analyze diverse sources and voices in order to help them become engaged and responsible global citizens.

    This concept and inquiry-driven course builds critical thinking and research skills including consideration of the purpose, perspective, and reliability of primary and secondary sources. Students practice setting goal, making plans for research, and deciphering information that is relevant to their projects in order to evaluate evidence, formulate an argument, and problem solve within a collaborative learning environment. Finally, students delve into a study of the factors that contribute to the fairness and development of societies and the ways that systems of beliefs shape personal identity and culture.
  • Language & Literature

    Our Language and Literature courses help students grow as confident and capable readers, writers, speakers, thinkers, discussion leaders, and collaborators. Language and Literature courses equip students with linguistic, analytical and communicative skills that can also be used to develop interdisciplinary understanding across subject groups. Students’ interactions with chosen texts can generate insight into moral, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors, contributing to the development of opinion-forming, decision-making and ethical-reasoning skills.

    This course emphasizes the organization and structure found in quality writing. A consistent feedback loop on essays offers the main guidance, but there is also an emphasis on the application of grammar concepts and the use of editing skills. For reading, the year begins with short stories and builds into longer pieces like Lord of the Flies. Throughout the year, students also build speaking skills through a series of increasingly challenging games that culminate in formal speeches.
  • Language Acquisition (Spanish)

    Based on the four key skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing, this course develops from foundational awareness, to deepening understanding, and finally to developing confidence in each of these areas. Our commitment to developing these skills ensures that students are engaged in a classroom environment that utilizes the target language at least 90% of the time. These are mixed ability classes, and differentiation occurs through homework assignments and other class activities.

    Students engage in units focusing on food, sports, health and wellness, and vacations. In addition, students engage in a variety of cultural activities that are aligned with the units of study in order to develop a deeper understanding of the language, people, and customs in a variety of Spanish speaking countries. By the end of the year, students will have completed two-thirds of the high school Spanish 1 textbook, ¡Así se dice!
  • Mathematics

    All mathematics courses are taught through the MYP lens, working to promote inquiry and application and helpinG students become better communicators and problem solvers. In Grade 6, all students take Math 6. In Grades 7 and 8, students take grade-level, 1-year advanced or 2-year advanced courses. Course placement in Grades 7 and 8 is determined by the Mathematics Department after considering available grades, Math Growth Measure (formerly MI), teacher recommendation, and student interest.

    Pre-Algebra: This course is a standard Grade 7 course; students should be proficient at operations with whole numbers and decimals and work reasonably well with fractions before beginning the course. Students will explore operations with positive and negative
    numbers (integers and rational numbers), proportional relationships (ratios, proportions, and percents), basic algebra (simplifying expressions, solving equations and inequalities), and geometry (two-dimensional figures, surface area, volume, constructions and scale drawings).

    Introduction to Integrated Math: This course is a standard Grade 8 mathematics course and is offered as an advanced course in Grade 7. This course includes all of the topics listed above in Pre-Algebra but also includes advanced related work whenever possible throughout the course as well as solving multi-step equations, geometry (transformations, angle relationships, triangles, circles and similar solids), data analysis (scatter plots, lines of
    best fit and data displays), and further algebraic concepts (linear functions, systems of linear equations, exponents and scientific notation).

    Integrated Math 1: This course is designed for students who are ready for the study of high school level mathematics and is offered to both Grades 7 and 8. Topics include linear equations and functions, linear inequalities, systems of linear equations, exponential
    equations and functions, and sequences. Students also apply basic geometric terminology and reasoning skills to the topics of parallel lines, transformations, and congruent triangles. This course includes a study of data analysis and displays. Participation in the American Mathematics Competitions is encouraged by Middle School students in this advanced course.
  • Physical & Health Education

    The aim of Physical and Health Education (PHE) is to engage our students in developing a healthy lifestyle through physical activity, focusing on communication, social responsibility and reflection. 75% of this course is focused on physical education activities, with the remaining 25% focused on the health and the social-emotional development of each student.

    This course is built around furthering knowledge of healthy lifestyle choices, healthy social-emotional practices, mindfulness and general health knowledge. Students will further their goal setting skills. Students will learn about what part we play in our communities through collaborating with peers, and compete as teammates
    and strong communicators.
  • Science

    In each grade level, Middle School Science includes units of study in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Science. Science at AWS is inquiry-based and emphasizes the application of knowledge to novel situations. At least two times per grade level, students apply the scientific method to design their own laboratory investigations, collect data, process and evaluate their results, and draw conclusions. Students also conduct independent research evaluating how scientists solve real world problems. Hands-on and virtual laboratory experiences actively engage students in scientific inquiry.

    Units of study in Grade 7 include the Cells and Microbiology, Human Body Systems, Density and Buoyancy, Chemistry of Mixtures, and the Processes that Shape the Earth. Highlights for Grade 7 include an interdisciplinary unit to help students refine their Milk Boats designs prior to racing them on American Lake and a unit preparing students for their Journey to the Southwest that explores the processes that have shaped the stunning landscapes in national parks.
  • Arts

    All students carousel through the arts by experiencing Visual Arts, Digital Arts, and Theatre, with our artists gaining  exposure to foundational art practices and performance. 

    Digital Art: Students embark on a distinct creative journey, learning skills in photo editing and digital painting as they explore the Adobe Creative Suite. This course nurtures artistic expression while imparting valuable digital skills. Additionally, students will delve into the rich history of art movements, expanding their artistic perspective and creativity.

    Theatre Arts: Rooted in techniques of improvisational performance, explores the way actors communicate with each other and the audience. Students examine the relationship between rules and play and develop understandings of how the rules of improv facilitate fairness and improve communication. Through games and reflection, students identify and expand their own boundaries as they work toward an end-of-semester performance showcase. Extensive focus is also given to how students evaluate and critique classmates’ performances.

    Visual Art: Instruction concentrates on the seven elements of art: Color, Line, Shape, Form, Value, Space and Texture. With a strong focus on individual expression, students investigate art works in a variety of mediums and endeavor to develop introductory public presentation skills and basic to intermediate visual art skills.
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