About Us

Our Guiding Documents

Mission Statement

Annie Wright's strong community cultivates individual learners to become well-educated, creative and responsible citizens for a global society.

As mission-led institutions, Annie Wright Schools strive to prepare students for academic and personal success through the following key characteristics drawn from the schools' mission statement:

Key Characteristics

List of 5 items.

  • Annie Wright Schools Challenge Our Students to be the Best They Can Be.

    Physically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and academically, we aim to stretch our students. Our rigorous program does not assign arbitrary hurdles; instead we support our students in their efforts to reach their potential. We believe that within a nurturing atmosphere, students can feel secure in reaching for the appropriately high expectations set for them by their parents and school.
  • Annie Wright Schools Connect Our Students to the Wider Community and the World.

    While grounded in our local Tacoma community, we provide our students with a broad perspective on the world. We believe that a thriving community needs institutions of quality, and we aim to play our part in helping to ensure that Tacoma flourishes. At the same time, we believe it is essential that our students understand and appreciate the global society in which they live.
  • Annie Wright Schools Embrace Our Student-Centered Mission.

    Our student-centered mission is central to every aspect of our schools. At an administrative level, being student-centered means the best interests of our students inform all decisions. In the classroom, being student-centered is concerned with deliberate teaching methodologies. Proactively identifying ourselves as student-centered is important; it is an acknowledgment that we are primarily about the students, not the adults. We greatly value our faculty and staff, as they are the most important resource we have, but our top priority is to develop young people holistically.
  • Annie Wright Schools Honor Our Pioneering Traditions While Looking Toward The Future.

    Annie Wright was founded before Washington was a state, literally as a pioneering school, and we want to remain as such. We are proud of our history and traditions, while embracing our modern identity as an International Baccalaureate school serving students from Preschool to Grade 12. While we honor our past, we continue to look to the future.
  • Annie Wright Schools Knows Our Students and Value Their Individuality.

    The education at Annie Wright is built on the deep, rich relationships that the faculty have with their students. Our small class sizes enable our faculty to get to know each student as an individual. Interacting with adults is an important component of students’ lives at Annie Wright. We recognize and value the unique characteristics and gifts that each student brings.

Our Mission in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We acknowledge the fact of diversity as a vital source of Annie Wright Schools’ strong community. We recognize all identities as part of our diversity, including both under-represented and over-represented groups across ethnic, racial, and regional identities; language and learning profiles; religious and political beliefs; socioeconomic and family make-ups; and gender and sexual identities. Among our community, we cultivate shared rights and mutual stewardship.  
We safeguard individual identities by recognizing that diversity alone does not lead to inclusion. We strive to develop practices to ensure all members of our community have access to safe, equitable, and brave spaces. We welcome opportunities to challenge cultural assumptions of what is “normal” and to broaden our sense of identity; seeking to actively advance the culture of the institution by continually examining the tension between tradition and transformation.
We nurture responsible, global citizenry in a pluralistic and rapidly changing world by encouraging and being willing to respectfully engage in courageous conversations. We purposefully examine cultural distinctions and implications across programmatic and curricular practices. As an institution, we seek to practice ongoing, reflective learning processes, including routine practices of self and community care.
The practices named above extend through all facets of our community, including but not limited to organizational structures such as institutional leadership, recruitment, admissions, hiring and retention; educational spaces such as curricular and extracurricular programming; as well as community partnerships and communications.

Health & Wellness Mission Statement

Annie Wright Schools believes the development of self-awareness and a culture of proactive engagement are the pillars to developing responsible and resilient global citizens who genuinely care for themselves and others.
We acknowledge that being well educated extends beyond academics. We pursue a holistic, responsive and intentional approach to individual and collective well-being that emphasizes balance, physical and emotional health.
We recognize the responsibility we have to each other as part of a strong community and embrace our commitment to develop and present our best selves in each of our interactions.
We commit to regularly redefine and reimagine the ways in which health and wellness are nurtured at Annie Wright Schools for our students, faculty and staff. We purposefully engage in practices that support Alignment, encourage Resilience, develop Connection and embrace holistic Health both within the individual and across educational and curricular spaces.
    • #1 Boarding School in WA State

    • #1 Private K-12 School in WA State