Back-to-School Guide

Here is everything you need to prep for the 2024-2025 school year — uniform lists and sale dates, event details, sports information, volunteer opportunities, supply lists, summer work and more.

We look forward to a great school year ahead!

All School Information

List of 14 items.

  • 2024-2025 School Calendar

    The 2024-2025 school calendar is available here. More in-depth calendars can be subscribed to through myAW (click on the Calendar in the top menu) or on the website by clicking on the RSS feed button.
  • First Day Photo Signs

    Click on the link below to download your first day sign. Don't forget to post to Pixevety (link available on your myAW resource board - see "Photo Sharing Through Pixevety" below) and social media using #firstdayAWS or email them to!
  • Photo Sharing Through Pixevety

    Annie Wright Schools partner with Pixevety, a private and secure website that allows our community to share photos. Pixevety provides access to the many photos taken each year by teachers, staff and other parents. If you haven’t yet registered, click the registration link here to get started. Be sure to register using the same email you use to login to myAW. 
    Easily upload photos from Annie Wright Schools events and activities from your computer or smartphone. Parent User Guides are available for both mobile and desktop use. Pixevety is only for parents/guardians of Annie Wright students and students in Grades 6-12. Pixevety will never share or sell photos to third parties. 

    Opening Day photos and other professional photos are loaded regularly throughout the year. If you have any questions, reach out to
    Parents can download and print photos of their child for free and at the same quality in which the photo was taken. 

    Get Ready to Share Your Photos
    Click on the link below to download your first-day sign. Don't forget to post your photos to Pixevety, and post to social media using #AWSfirstday.
    Quinci Adams
    Marketing and Communications Manager

  • Gator Spirit Online Store

    Show your Gator pride and shop through one of our online spirit stores:
    • For more athletic, brand-name items, visit our BSN Sports online Gator store. 
    • For a wider variety of items, season-specific arts and athletics variety packs, and Gator Spirit staples, visit our Mightee online Gator shop. 
    Please note that the online spirit stores do not carry any uniform items. Spirit gear can only be worn on civvies days or, as appropriate, during spirit weeks. 

    For the latest offers and deals visit the Uniform Resource Board on myAW.
  • Used Uniforms

    We are offering access to used uniforms on a self-service basis throughout the summer from 10:30 am - 3:30 pm, Monday - Friday. Feel free to drop by to look at inventory in the coat closet near the Tacoma Avenue entrance. A Used Uniform sale will also be available during Gator Day on Tuesday, August 29.

    If you have used uniforms to donate please drop off at the main office between 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, Monday - Friday.
  • Uniforms

    For recent communications from Dennis and Schoolbelles regarding uniform deliveries for this fall, please see the Uniform Resource Board.

    New Uniform Provider
    Thank you for your patience! We have now finalized a partnership with a new vendor that will allow us to source more timely ¼ zip sweatshirts, USB and USG ties and many other uniform items! Visit Schoolbelles and use our school code - s3124 - to access these uniform items. Visit our Uniform Resource Board for more information on our new partner. Thank you to all for your patience as we work out some bugs with this new vendor.

    In answer to some frequently asked questions about Schoolbelles, please note:
    1. Sweatshirts are found in the ‘Spirit or School Wear’ box.
    2. Sailor dresses and skorts are not available at Schoolbelles, only at Dennis.
    3. Under the ‘Product Features’ heading, parents can verify that the item they have selected is appropriate for their student’s division.
      • For example: if a LS parent selects a white polo shirt, under the Product Features heading it will say Grades 9-12.  If an US parent selects a navy polo it will say PS-8.
    Families can continue to use Dennis Uniform and Lands' End for purchasing new uniforms, and Gator Alley will continue to carry USG and USB ties.  Used uniforms are also available for purchase - please see below for details.

    Students who are not in uniform may be provided with the missing item, if available. In those cases, the items will be charged to the card on file, charged to a student account, or an invoice will be sent to the family for online payment. 

    Used Uniforms
    We are offering access to used uniforms on a self-service basis throughout the summer from 8:00am-4:00pm in the lobby of the New Academic Building. A Used Uniform sale will also be available during Gator Day on Tuesday, August 29.

    If you have used uniforms to donate please drop off at the main office between 8:00am-4:00pm, Monday - Friday.
  • Lunch

    The Schools use EZ School Apps to manage ordering for lunch time meals for Preschool through Grade 2. Families do not need to pre-load money into their student's account. Each month, families’ school accounts will be charged for any meals purchased throughout that month.

    Preschool - Grade 2

    In order to provide a nutritious and safe dining experience, FLIK will be preparing pre-packaged lunches that will be delivered to the classroom each day. All box lunches include white or chocolate milk. Students will select their milk choice from the lunch cart each day.
    • Families must pre-order box lunches by Thursday for the following week, and can order up to three weeks out. Families have three meal options each day: a vegetarian or hot entrée ($6.50) or a sunbutter & jelly sandwich (sandwich comes with chips or side salad and hand fruit) ($5.50)

    Grade 3 - 12

    Students can eat lunch in the dining hall (where there is limited seating available) or outside and may go through the lunch line or bring their lunch from home. Lunch line options include a hot entrée, veggie entrée, soup, salad, sandwich, etc. ($10.00)
    • All lunches purchased in the dining hall will be charged to the student's school account and will be billed monthly.


    Visit the Lunch Information resource board on myAW to view prices, weekly menus and other lunch details.
    Questions regarding how to pre-order box lunches (Preschool - Grade 2) should be directed to Liz Wager. For questions about student accounts, please contact Paulette Wadsworth.
  • New Faculty & Staff

    We are thrilled to welcome an incredible team of new faculty and staff for the 2024-2025 school year. Learn all about them here. And please check back often as we are still working on a few bios!
  • Required Immunizations for School

    Students are required to have the following immunizations for the school year. All students requiring updated immunization forms will have received an immunization form on their myAW portal. Forms are due by July 31. Please remember to upload these forms as soon as possible.
    Required to be current with childhood vaccinations:
    • Hepatitis B
    • DTaP
    • HIB
    • Polio (if your child is 4 by September 1st, a booster dose of IPV is required)
    • PCV
    • MMR (if your child is 4 by September 1st, dose number 2 of MMR is required)
    • Varicella (if your child is 4 by September 1st, dose number 2 of varicella is required)
    Kindergarten-Grade 5
    • Hepatitis B: 3 doses
    • DTap/Tdap: 5 doses
    • Polio: 4 doses
    • Measles, Mumps, Rubella: 2 doses
    • Varicella: 2 doses OR healthcare provider verifies child had the disease
    • For returning Kindergarten families only:
      Another milestone that comes with entering Kindergarten involves getting booster vaccines. We will be requesting an updated Immunization form to be uploaded to your student’s forms in myAW.
    Grades 6-8
    • Hepatitis B: 3 doses
    • DTaP: 5 doses
    • Tdap: 1 dose (must have this Tdap booster for entry to Grade 7) 
      • Returning Grade 7 families will be asked to provide an updated immunization form to be uploaded to your student’s forms in myAW 
    • Polio: 4 doses of IPV
    • Measles, Mumps, Rubella: 2 doses
    • Varicella: 2 doses OR healthcare provider verifies child had the disease
     Grades 9-12
    • Hepatitis B: 3 doses
    • DTaP: 5 doses
    • Tdap: 1 dose
    • Polio: 4 doses of IPV
    • Measles, Mumps, Rubella: 2 doses
    • Varicella: 2 doses OR healthcare provider verifies child had the disease
    If your student is on a different vaccination schedule because of missing immunizations for various reasons, this is allowed as long as the immunization form is medically verified and an exemption certificate provided if needed. Also, see conditional status information below.

    The purpose of immunizations is to keep your family and the community healthy and to stop the spread of disease to the most vulnerable.

    In addition to the links provided here, you can obtain a printable WA State immunization form (CIS) from your student’s school forms on myAW, the school nurse resource board, or following the instructions below.

    Every student must have a Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form on record with the school. The CIS form is a legal record of immunizations for schools.

    Starting August 1, 2020, all immunization records turned in to schools or child care centers are required by state law to be medically verified. Immunization records must be turned into the school (by uploading to myAW) before the first day of attendance. This means immunization records turned in to the school must be from a health care provider, or you must attach paperwork from a health care provider to your handwritten form that shows your student's records are accurate. Your student cannot attend school until you provide these records.

    Here are some examples of medically verified immunization records:
    • A completed Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) signed by a healthcare provider.
    • A CIS filled out by you or another parent/guardian with medical records attached.
    • A CIS printed by a health care provider or school from the Washington State Immunization Information System.
    • A CIS printed from MyIR which is a free Department of Health online tool that allows WA state families to view and print their official immunization records themselves. Go to to begin the sign-up process.
    Please take time over the next few months to ensure your student is up-to-date with the required school vaccinations. If your student already meets immunization requirements and has a CIS form already on file with the school, you do not need to do anything unless we have requested an updated immunization form.

    International students: The CIS form should be available to you in your home language in your student’s school forms on myAW. You can also look on the School Nurse resource board on myAW for CIS form in different languages. 

    International student vaccination schedules may not align with WA state vaccination requirements. Please try to obtain vaccines before arriving at school if possible. International boarding students arriving at school without the required vaccinations will be required to obtain any missing vaccinations within 30 days. The Nurses will arrange for your student to receive those vaccinations. A small administration cost will be charged to your student’s account. 

    If you prefer you can arrange to take your student for vaccinations before school starts by making an appointment here: ACTS Pharmacy

    If you are requesting an exemption from one or more of the immunization requirements, you must provide the school a completed Certificate of Exemption.

    Note: Washington State Legislature passed a new law that removes the personal and philosophical option to exempt children from the MMR (Measles Mumps and Rubella) vaccine required for school and child care entry.

    Looking to the future: Once the CIS form or the exemption form is submitted, it is the parent/guardian's responsibility to update the School Nurse on any vaccines that your student receives or is exempt from in the future. 

    Students who are actively catching up on their vaccine requirements can start and remain in school with a Conditional Immunization Status. Vaccine series doses are spread out among minimum intervals, so some children may have to wait a period of time before finishing their vaccinations. To attend school in Conditional Status the following conditions must be met:
    • The parent/guardian must sign the Conditional Status statement on the Certificate of Immunization Status form acknowledging their child is attending school in conditional status.
    • Children must be up to date on their immunizations, having received all of the vaccine doses they are eligible to receive before they can start school.
    • When the next catch-up dose is due, the parent or guardian must turn in documentation within 30 days of the due date. Valid documentation includes medical records showing vaccination, evidence of immunity to the disease in question, or a completed Certificate of Exemption (COE) form. If documentation is not received by the required date the child must, by law, be excluded from further attendance, RCW 28A.210.120.
    More information is available in the Conditional Status FAQ (PDF) available in the Conditional status section of the School and Child Care Immunization website.

    Paula Coumou
    School Nurse or 253.284.5462
  • School Forms

    Medical and Bus School Forms for the 2024-2025 school year are now available in myAW. Please login and click on the yellow bar across the top of the page to access your student’s forms. School forms are due by July 31. Immunization CIS forms, Physician’s Health Reports, and Physician’s Orders for Medication at school must be uploaded via the School Forms portal. Due to HIPAA regulations, we are unable to upload these forms for parents/guardians. 
    Contact with any questions or concerns.
  • School Planners

    All students in Grades 3 through 8 will receive an Annie Wright Schools student planner in the fall. In the Upper Schools, our Learning Support team advises that students maintain an academic organization system of their choice. We recognize that Upper School students may prefer to use online calendars. All Grade 9 students will receive a student planner, as will students with a scheduled study hall. In addition, any Upper School student may request an AWS student planner at the Learning Center in room 2601.
  • Social Media

    We love when our parents like, follow, share and engage with us on social media! You can find us on the following platforms:
  • Phone Policy

    AWS will now be completely "phone free" during the school day. For more information on this new policy, please read this June 15 note from Head of Schools Jake Guadnola.
  • Transportation

    School Bus Forms for 2024-2025 are available on myAW. For a map of current stops, please visit the transportation page.

    For 2024-2025, fares will be as follows: 
    • Unlimited Round Trip Pass - $3,100 per year
    • Unlimited One Way Pass - $1,550 per year
    • A 50% discount is applied for siblings of the primary student passenger
    • Monthly payment plans available
    Please note: Locations and times may vary slightly depending on traffic and ridership. Please contact Danyell Jensen-Noa, below, with any questions about stops near you.

    Danyell Jensen-Noa

    To book a time with Danyell to address specific questions, please click here.

All School Upcoming Events

List of 5 items.

  • Opening Day of School: August 28

    Wednesday, August 28
    Lower School starts at 8:00 am
    Middle School starts at 8:30am
    Upper Schools start at 9:00 am

    Students should wear their daily uniform on Opening Day. 

    We will once again have two photographers in the front of the school beginning at 7:15 am on Opening Day. Please see below for divisional picture taking time-slots, this will allow students to get to class at their appointed times. This is a popular photo opportunity for our community, so we ask families to please limit to one pose with the photographers. There will be several staff members on hand to take photos with your phone too! 

    Professional photos will be shared with families as soon as we have them. Sometimes this may take a couple weeks. We'll share in the Friday Flash email and private Facebook group for AWS families once they have been posted for viewing.

    We then invite you to join us on the Bamford Commons* for a cup of coffee, a brief welcome from Head of Schools Jake Guadnola and an opportunity to kick off the 2024-2025 year with other parents and guardians. 
    Lower School Families
    Two photographers will be available for pictures for LS families from 7:30 - 7:55 at the front of the school. To ensure we can get pictures of as many families as want them, we ask that families get one picture each, and then head in to class. After dropping off your student(s), join us in the Bamford Commons at 8:05 am for coffee and some words from Jake Guadnola.

    Middle School Families
    Two photographers will be available for pictures for MS families from 8:00 - 8:25 at the front of the school. To ensure we can get pictures of as many families as want them, we ask that families get one picture each, and then head in to class. After dropping off your student(s), join us in the Bamford Commons at 8:35 am for coffee and some words from Jake Guadnola.

    Upper School Families
    Two photographers will be available for pictures for US families and students from 8:40 - 9:00 at the front of the school. To ensure we can get pictures of as many families as want them, we ask that families get one picture each, and then head in to class. Prior to pictures, join us in the Bamford Commons at 8:35 am for coffee and some words from Jake Guadnola.

    Click on the link below to download your first day sign. Don't forget to post your photos to Pixevety and social media using #firstdayAWS or email them to
    * Accessing the Bamford Commons:
    Look for the signage to help direct you through and around the building and to the back of the dining hall.

  • Opening Day Coffee: August 28

    Wednesday, August 28
    8:00-9:00 am
    Bamford Commons
    Join us for a cup of coffee, a brief welcome from Head of Schools Jake Guadnola and an opportunity to kick off the 2024-2025 year with other parents and guardians. 

    Lower School Families - Join us at 8:05 in the Bamford Commons
    Middle and Upper School Families - Join us at 8:35 in the Bamford Commons

    See Opening Day of School for further information.

    Jennifer Mortensen
    AWSPA President
  • No School | Labor Day: September 2

    Monday, September 2

    There will be no Preschool coverage or Extended Day.

    Enjoy the holiday!
  • Student Photo Day: September 18

    Wednesday, September 18
    Great Hall
    Erin Gann
    Executive Assistant to the Head of Schools or 253.284.4343
  • New Parent Coffees: October 1-3

    New Parent Coffee with the Head of Schools
    8:30 am
    Huston Room
    • Tuesday, October 1 - Lower School
    • Wednesday, October 2 - Middle School
    • Thursday, October 3 - Upper School
    RSVP Here.

    Grace Finch or 253.284.8604

Preschool Info & Events

List of 5 items.

  • LS Uniform & Civvies

    Wearing the school uniform ties students to a community tradition that bridges the past, present and future. Uniforms reinforce that students are proud to be part of a larger community and allow us to celebrate who students are focusing on their character, thoughts, and actions, rather than their attire. Additionally, uniforms provide families a cost-effective clothing solution that minimizes daily decision-making for students and parents and guardians alike. Thank you for helping support your student in upholding this tradition.

    Here is a quick summary of our dress codes at Annie Wright for this school year:
    • DAILY: The daily uniform does vary between divisions; the Lower School uniform list is here
    • CIVVIES: There are designated civvies days when students may wear street clothes of choice (sometimes surrounding a theme), so long as those clothes are appropriate for school.
    • SPIRIT: On specifically designated spirit days, students wear uniform bottoms with house color t-shirts or sweatshirts.
    Uniform policies can be found in
    Shop for uniforms online:
    For more uniform information, including used uniform availability, please see "Uniforms" in the All School section, above.

    Erin Gann or 253.284.4343
  • PS Supply List

    The Preschool 3-4 supply list can be found here.
    The Preschool 4-5 supply list can be found here

    Preschool students can bring their supplies to school on Gator Day when they visit their classroom or on the first day of school. 
  • PS Wrap-around: Before & After School

    Wrap-around, for students in Preschool, is an extension of the School curriculum and is included in tuition. We offer wrap-around to families before school, starting at 7:30 am. Recognizing the needs of students and their busy parents, Annie Wright Schools offer after-school programming until 5:30 pm. There is no fee or need to register for students enrolled in Preschool 3-4 and Preschool 4-5. 
    Adrienne Peterson
    Early Childhood Director
  • LS Gator Evening & Day: August 26 & 27

    Gator Evening: Family Information Sessions
    Monday, August 26

    5:30-6:30 pm
    (if you also have a MS student, please note that meeting will be 6:30-7:30 pm)
    Virtual; links below

    The parent component takes place virtually. Please note: if you also have a MS student, please join us for the MS Presentation from 6:30 - 7:30 pm.
    To learn more about Arts, Athletics and AWSPA, please join us during Gator Day (see below).

    If you have specific questions about Transportation or Health forms and other Nurse issues, please note that Danyell Jensen-Noa, our Transportation Supervisor, and Nurse Paula Coumou, have virtual office hours available later this summer to answer your individual questions.
    • For Transportation: To book a time with Danyell, please click here. July dates are currently available. August dates will be available later this month.
    • For Nurse/Health Form Questions: To book a time with Nurse Paula, please click here.

    Gator Day for Lower School Students, Preschool-Grade 5
    Tuesday, August 27
    9:00-10:00 am
    On campus, in classrooms

    All students in the Lower School will have a chance to meet their classroom teachers, explore the classroom, set up supplies, and connect with their classmates for a short visit beginning at 9:00 am. Gator Day is not a uniform day; students may come in their summer civvies. Students may go directly to the classroom. 
    While students are in the classrooms, we invite parents/guardians to join AWSPA President Krystal Malhotra, along with AWSPA volunteers, Director of Development Grace Finch, Development & Special Events Manager Lindsey Joyce and Director of Community Engagement Alicia Grover Pugh on the Bamford Commons more about social and volunteer opportunities, pick-up your First Day photo signs, AWS swag, and a cup of coffee.

    Director of Arts Annie Green and Lower School Athletics Director Andrew Braunstein will also be on hand to answer any questions you might have.

    At 10:00 am, parents/guardians will meet their children for pick up at their classrooms.  

    Ann Dicks
    Director of Lower School or 253.284.4161
  • PS Back-to-School Morning: September 17

    Preschool 3-4 and Preschool 4-5: Tuesday, September 17, 8:00-9:00 am
    PS Classrooms

    Parents will have the opportunity to hear about the program, see components in action, and connect with teachers and each other. 

    Adrienne Peterson
    Early Childhood Director or 253.284.4310

Lower School Info & Events

List of 8 items.

  • LS Summer Work

    Students rising into Grades 1-5 should all be working through the Summer Workbooks that were given to them in June. The purpose of summer work is to keep students' skills strong throughout the summer so that they enter the new school year in August as strong as they finished in June. With this in mind, students should be working regularly through their workbook a bit each day. For any student that has lost their Workbook, please reach out to Ann Dicks for an additional copy. Their new teacher will collect the workbook at the start of the new year. 
  • K-Grade 5 Supplies

    The school will provide all necessary group-use supplies for students at school. We ask that families provide personal supplies, including:
    • Backpack
    • Swimsuit and goggles
    • Pencil box
    • Raincoat if one isn’t worn regularly to school
    • Rain boots, if desired
    • For students in K and Grade 1: Complete spare set of uniform clothes to be kept at school. 
  • LS Uniform & Civvies

    Wearing the school uniform ties students to a community tradition that bridges the past, present and future. Uniforms reinforce that students are proud to be part of a larger community and allow us to celebrate who students are focusing on their character, thoughts, and actions, rather than their attire. Additionally, uniforms provide families a cost-effective clothing solution that minimizes daily decision-making for students and parents and guardians alike. Thank you for helping support your student in upholding this tradition.

    Here is a quick summary of our dress codes at Annie Wright for this school year:
    • DAILY: The daily uniform does vary between divisions; the Lower School uniform list is here
    • CIVVIES: There are designated civvies days when students may wear street clothes of choice (sometimes surrounding a theme), so long as those clothes are appropriate for school.
    • SPIRIT: On specifically designated spirit days, students wear uniform bottoms with house color t-shirts or sweatshirts.
    Uniform policies can be found in
    Shop for uniforms online:
    For more uniform information, including used uniform availability, please see "Uniforms" in the All School section, above.

    Erin Gann or 253.284.4343
  • LS Arts

    After School Arts Classes
    The Fall Season of After School Arts classes run September through November, meeting twice weekly for one hour and culminating with a season showcase in mid-November.  Classes facilitate high-quality, age-appropriate instruction across a range of artistic disciplines, including theatre, visual arts, and music.  Classes are offered to grade level cohorts (Grades 1&2, 3&4 and 5&6) and are often limited to 16 students per class, depending on age and class type.  (Kindergarten-level classes are not included in this initial fall season of arts offerings as students learn to acclimate to an already full day of programming.) 

    See a complete menu of fall season offerings here, and registration is available here. Spaces are limited; early sign-ups encouraged!
    Enrollment costs $200 for 2x weekly programming and $100 for 1x weekly and includes  Extended Day (ED) for the afternoon(s) of your student's class or practice at no additional cost. Families registered for unlimited ED will not be billed for fall program registration of up to two arts or athletics offerings. You can register for arts, athletics and ED through this form.

    Private Music Instruction
    Before and after school hours, our two basement music studios are available to Tacoma-area music instructors for the purpose of private music instruction. Music instructors and their AWS students contract directly with one another rather than through the school. Any family has the opportunity to inquire directly with instructors for purposes of vetting, scheduling, contracting, payment, and communication -- all of which is determined by and between individual instructors and students’ families. Click here to learn more about the instructors offering their services before or after school on AWS campus, and email them directly with your interest.

    Annie Katica Green
    Director of Arts
  • LS Athletics

    The AWS Athletic Department is happy to offer our after-school athletic programs so that students can participate in all of them. These are available for grade levels Kindergarten through Grade 6. Please review our full fall schedule and sign up here.

    In addition to Fall sports, we are excited to offer the following sports later in the year:

    Winter (November - February)
    • Basketball (K - 6)
    Spring (March - May) 
    • Flag Football (K - 6)
    • Girls' Volleyball (3-6)
    • Track & Field (K - 5)
    Andrew Braunstein
    Lower School Athletic Director or 253.284.8646
  • LS Extended Day: Before & After School

    Extended Day (ED), for students in Grade K through Grade 5, is an extension of the Lower School program. We offer ED to families before school, starting at 7:00 am, for no charge. Recognizing the needs of students and their busy parents and guardians, Annie Wright Schools offer after-school programming until 6:00 pm with easy and budget-friendly options. 

    Kindergarten to Grade 5 ED
    Our Kindergarten to Grade 5 after-school program consists of three seasons throughout the school year, each lasting 10-12 weeks. Families can choose from basic ED or add-on arts and/or athletics. 
    ED Only: Kindergarten to Grade 5
    • $35 per day (drop-in)
    • $600 per season (unlimited)
    Arts + Athletics Add-Ons: Kindergarten to Grade 5
    • Choose one art or athletic option:
      • $200 per season for 2x weekly | $100 per season for 1x weekly
      • ED included on the day(s) of the chosen option, only
    • Choose two art and/or athletic options:
      • $200 each with ED included on the days of the arts/athletics option; OR
      • $600 for the season includes ED on days when arts/athletics are not scheduled
    Taya Glaudé
    Extended Day Program Lead

  • LS Gator Evening & Day: August 26 & 27

    Gator Evening: Family Information Sessions
    Monday, August 26

    5:30-6:30 pm
    (if you also have a MS student, please note that meeting will be 6:30-7:30 pm)
    Virtual; links below

    The parent component takes place virtually. Please note: if you also have a MS student, please join us for the MS Presentation from 6:30 - 7:30 pm.
    To learn more about Arts, Athletics and AWSPA, please join us during Gator Day (see below).

    If you have specific questions about Transportation or Health forms and other Nurse issues, please note that Danyell Jensen-Noa, our Transportation Supervisor, and Nurse Paula Coumou, have virtual office hours available later this summer to answer your individual questions.
    • For Transportation: To book a time with Danyell, please click here. July dates are currently available. August dates will be available later this month.
    • For Nurse/Health Form Questions: To book a time with Nurse Paula, please click here.

    Gator Day for Lower School Students, Preschool-Grade 5
    Tuesday, August 27
    9:00-10:00 am
    On campus, in classrooms

    All students in the Lower School will have a chance to meet their classroom teachers, explore the classroom, set up supplies, and connect with their classmates for a short visit beginning at 9:00 am. Gator Day is not a uniform day; students may come in their summer civvies. Students may go directly to the classroom. 
    While students are in the classrooms, we invite parents/guardians to join AWSPA President Krystal Malhotra, along with AWSPA volunteers, Director of Development Grace Finch, Development & Special Events Manager Lindsey Joyce and Director of Community Engagement Alicia Grover Pugh on the Bamford Commons more about social and volunteer opportunities, pick-up your First Day photo signs, AWS swag, and a cup of coffee.

    Director of Arts Annie Green and Lower School Athletics Director Andrew Braunstein will also be on hand to answer any questions you might have.

    At 10:00 am, parents/guardians will meet their children for pick up at their classrooms.  

    Ann Dicks
    Director of Lower School or 253.284.4161
  • K-5 Back-to-School Night for Parents/Guardians: September 19

    Thursday, September 19
    6:30-8:00 pm
    Chapel and Classrooms

    Parents will start in the Chapel for an initial gathering to hear from Specialist teachers, and then will move to the classrooms to hear directly from their student’s teacher about curriculum and programmatic components and goals for the year. These events are intended for parents only so that you can really focus on hearing more about the program. 

    Ann Dicks
    Director of Lower School or 253.284.4161

Middle School Info & Events

List of 11 items.

  • MS Summer Work

    Summer work by grade level and subject can be found here.
  • MS Uniform & Civvies

    Wearing the school uniform ties students to a community tradition that bridges the past, present and future. Uniforms reinforce that students are proud to be part of a larger community and allow us to celebrate who students are focusing on their character, thoughts, and actions, rather than their attire. Additionally, uniforms provide families a cost-effective clothing solution that minimizes daily decision-making for students and parents and guardians alike. Thank you for helping support your student in upholding this tradition.

    Here is a quick summary of our dress codes at Annie Wright for this school year:
    • DAILY: The daily uniform does vary between divisions; the Middle School uniform list is here.
    • CIVVIES: there are designated civvies days when students may wear street clothes of choice (sometimes surrounding a theme), so long as those clothes are appropriate for school.
    • SPIRIT: On specifically designated spirit days, students wear uniform bottoms with house color t-shirts or sweatshirts.
    Uniform policies can be found in the All School Student-Parent Handbook

    Shop for uniforms online:
    For more uniform information, including used uniform availability, please see "Uniforms" in the All School section, above.


    Erin Gann or 253.284.4343
  • MS Supply List

    Below is a link to the list of supplies students will need. Please note that some supplies ALL students will need (listed first). Other supplies are designated for students in specific grades. Students will be supported in establishing an effective method organization for papers and assignments - one which will allow them to keep track of their materials and, thus, be more successful. Students are encouraged to seek out assistance as needed from their advisor once school begins.

    Download the supply list here
  • MS Technology Orientation

    All families of incoming Grade 6 and new Grade 7 & 8 students to the Middle School must watch and review our pre-recorded technology training prior to starting at AWS.
    Families are asked to read and discuss each of the short topics listed with their student. You can find the link to the MS Technology Orientation on the MS Resource Board in myAW. The sections to complete are as follows:
    1. Introduction to MS Technology Orientation
    2. Care, Repair & Warranty
    3. Safety & Security 
    4. Network & Internet Access
    5. Setting Up Your Student for Success
    6. Overview of Student Tech Orientation Week
    Please note that this will take approximately an hour to complete and is broken down into the six short topics listed below. 

    Once families have completed this review, please log into myAW to complete the Technology Orientation form that will signify you have reviewed the materials.Your student will not be able to take home their laptop until this form is completed. 

    The Technology Team will also be present at various opening events to answer any questions regarding this orientation and provide any additional one-on-one training as needed for families. 

    Students will also receive additional specific grade-level technology training during the first weeks of school. Grade 6 students will not take home their laptops until they have completed their in-school grade-level-specific training during the first several weeks of the school year.

    Clare Wagstaff-Brown
    Director of Middle School or 253.284.8636
  • MS Arts

    Intermediate strings musicians are invited to join morning orchestra.  Running T/W/Th, 7:30 - 8:10 am, this is a fun and fast-paced ensemble music program with impressive culture and play! Sign up here!

    Mainstage-ready performers are invited to audition for seasonal productions in the Fall (Grades 5-12) and Spring (Middle School students). Auditions for this fall’s production Alice in Wonderland will be September 3, 4 & 5, 4:30 - 6:30 pm. Rehearsals M-F, 4:30 - 6:30 pm, with occasional Saturdays through the November 1, 2, & 3 performance weekend. This whimsical play is a humorous and imaginative retelling of an iconic story, and production involvement offers professional-grade experiences for student musicians, actors, technicians, and designers. Sign up here!

    The Fall Season of After School Arts classes run September through November, meeting once a week for one hour and culminating with a season showcase in mid-November. Registrations for Fall Arts (and Athletics and ED) are available here. Enrollment is at no extra cost for the MS program, however Extended Day (ED) contracts are required for any ED coverage after 4:00 pm. ED sign-up is available in the same form.

    Before and after school hours, our two basement music studios are available to Tacoma-area music instructors for the purpose of private music instruction. Music instructors and their AWS students contract directly with one another rather than through the school. Any family has the opportunity to inquire directly with instructors for purposes of vetting, scheduling, contracting, payment, and communication - all of which is determined by and between individual instructors and students’ families. Click here to learn more about the instructors offering their services before and after school on AWS campus, and email them directly with your interest


    Annie Katica Green
    Director of Arts
  • MS Athletics

    Sign-ups and schedules for Middle School fall sports (and arts and ED) are available here. Practices begin the first week of school. Enrollment is at no extra cost for the MS program, however Extended Day (ED) contracts are required for any ED coverage after 4:00 pm and can be accessed in the same sign up form.

    Annie Wright Schools has a No-Cut Athletics policy. We will field Varsity and JV teams in all sports based on the level of interest. Varsity team participation requires a specific level of commitment. Varsity athletes must attend all practices and games with demonstrated focus and desire.

    There will be home and away games starting at 3:30 pm for Varsity and 4:30 pm for JV. The seasonal options and the equipment needed are listed below:
    Coed Cross Country: running shoes
    Girls’ Volleyball: knee pads, non-marking court shoes

    Winter I
    Boys’ Basketball: non-marking court shoes
    Girls’ Soccer: shin guards/soccer cleats
    Winter II
    Girls’ Basketball: non-marking shoes
    Boys’ Soccer: shin guards, soccer cleats

    Coed Track: running shoes
    Football: cleats, mouthguard

    Mike Finch
    Director of Athletics or 253.284.8654
  • MS Extended Day: Before & After School

    Extended Day (ED), for students in Grades 6 through Grade 8, is an extension of the Middle School curriculum. We offer ED to families before school, starting at 7:00 am, for no charge. Recognizing the needs of students and their busy parents and guardians, Annie Wright Schools offer after-school programming until 6:00 pm with easy and budget-friendly options. 

    Our Grade 6 to Grade 8 after-school program consists of three seasons throughout the school year, each lasting 10-12 weeks. Enrollment is at no extra cost for the MS program, however, Extended Day (ED) contracts are required for any ED coverage after 4:00 pm. 

    ED: Grade 6 to Grade 8
    • Only charged for ED after 4:00 p.m.
    • $35 per day (drop-in)
    • $600 per season (unlimited)
    Taya Glaudé
    Extended Day Program Lead
  • MS Gator Evening - Family Information Session: August 26

    This is an online information event for all MS families who would like to learn more about the Middle School and the year ahead. 

    Monday, August 26
    6:30-7:30 pm (if you also have a LS student, start time is 5:30 pm)
    Virtual; links below

    The parent/guardian component takes place virtually. Please note: if you also have a LS student, that session is from 5:30 - 6:30 pm. If you do not have a LS student, you can join us at 6:30 pm.
    To learn more about Arts, Athletics and AWSPA, please join us during Gator Day (see below).

    If you have specific questions about Transportation or Health forms and other Nurse issues, please note that Danyell Jensen-Noa, our Transportation Supervisor, and Nurse Paula Coumou, have virtual office hours available later this summer to answer your individual questions.
    • For Transportation: To book a time with Danyell, please click here. July dates are currently available. August dates will be available later this month.
      For Nurse/Health Form Questions: To book a time with Nurse Paula, please click here.
    Clare Wagstaff-Brown
    Director of Middle School or 253.284.8649
  • MS Gator Day - New Student Orientation: August 27

    Tuesday, August 27
    In Person: 8:30-10:00 am
    Middle School students who are new to AWS (those moving up from the Lower School do not attend) will have an orientation to the Middle School campus & culture, and will get to meet other new students and their teachers. Please meet Ms. Strate and Ms. Wagstaff-Brown at the 10th St. Circle at 8:30 am. 

    While students are with their teachers, we invite parents/guardians to join AWSPA President Krystal Malhotra, along with AWSPA volunteers, Director of Development Grace Finch, Development & Special Events Manager Lindsey Joyce and Director of Community Engagement Alicia Grover Pugh in the Bamford Commons to learn more about social and volunteer opportunities, pick-up your First Day photo signs, AWS swag, and a cup of coffee.

    Director of Arts Annie Green and Director of Athletics Mike Finch will also be on hand to answer any questions you might have.

    Shelli Strate
    Assistant Director of Middle School 
  • MS Student Orientation: August 29 - August 30

    Thursday, August 29  - Friday, August 30

    The Middle School overnight orientation trip will be held at Sound View Camp in Longbranch, WA. This is a time for students to meet new classmates and faculty, learn about the year ahead, and build community through a variety of team-building and outdoor activities. Students should come to school on Thursday morning at 8:00 am in civvies appropriate for outdoor activities. Buses will depart at approximately 8:45 am Thursday and will return to school by the end of the school day Friday, in time for those who ride the bus home.

    Packing list - please label all items:
    • comfortable shoes for outdoor activities
    • change of clothes (including underwear)
    • layers for cool, wet weather
    • jacket
    • sleeping bag
    • Sleep pad or mat (for grade 8 only who will be camping)
    • pillow
    • towel
    • swimsuit & swim shirt or rash guard (must have swim shirt or rash guard to go over suit)
    • pajamas
    • sack lunch for Thursday
    • water bottle
    • flashlight or headlamp
    • personal items (toothbrush, sunscreen, deodorant)
    • medications - in a labeled bag with instructions to Ms. Strate
    Shelli Strate
    Assistant Director of Middle School or 253.284.4164
  • MS Curriculum Nights: September 10 & October 22

    Part 1: Tuesday, September 10, 6:00-7:30 pm
    Part 2: Tuesday, October 22, 6:00-7:30 pm

    The two MS Curriculum Nights are designed to give a more in-depth understanding of the scope and sequence of all eight MYP subjects over the three year span in middle school. Each Curriculum Night will focus on different aspects of the Middle School, which will include information about the MYP, monitoring your students progress, the MS Ten Essentials, and the Spring Journeys. Families will also have the opportunity to meet the teachers. More information on these two events will be provided in August.

    Clare Wagstaff-Brown or 253.284.8649

Table of Contents

All School Information
All School Events
Frequently Asked Questions
Preschool Info & Events
Kindergarten-Grade 5 Info & Events
Middle School Info & Events
Upper School for Boys Info & Events
Upper School for Girls Info & Events
Upper School Boarding Info & Events


AWSPA: Annie Wright Schools Parents' Association
LS: Lower School
MS: Middle School
PS: Preschool
US: Upper Schools
USB: Upper School for Boys
USG: Upper School for Girls

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 3 items.

  • Q: I have some questions about my student's allergies, overall concerns about health issues, or other nurse-related questions.

    Read More
  • Q: I have specific questions about my student's Bus route, availability of buses, timing, etc.

    Read More
  • Q: I need some help with accessing myAW and finding all the things. Can you help me?

    Read More


List of 4 items.

  • What is AWSPA?

    Every parent and guardian is a member of AWSPA. The Annie Wright Schools Parents’ Association (AWSPA) offers opportunities to get to know other families, collaborate on a variety of projects and events, and help provide exceptional programs and resources for our students. A range of optional volunteer opportunities, from helping at a parent social to supporting faculty and staff appreciation week, offers a number of choices for busy families. Best of all, the Annie Wright Schools Parents’ Association offers friendship, collegiality, warmth and support for the whole community. 

    The AWSA Executive Council is a group of parents and guardians volunteering their time and services to host events and offer support to the community. Learn more about who serves on the 2024-25 Executive Council in the next drop-down.
  • 2024-25 AWSPA Executive Council

    Krystal Malhotra, 

    Amy Condon, 


    Daelyn Julius, 

    Lower School Liaison
    Teresa Rao, 
    Middle School Liaison
    Jamie Koepnick-Herrera, 
    Upper School for Boys Liaison

    Upper School for Girls Liaison
    Alana Zautner, 

    Arts Booster
    Lindsey Snow, 

    Endeavor Grant Chair
    Lindsey Grays,
  • Volunteer Opportunities

    Let us know how you'd like to get involved by filling out the AWSPA volunteer interest form.
  • Volunteer Background Checks

    As part of ongoing safety efforts, Annie Wright requires all volunteers to undergo background checks, just as employees do. If you wish to volunteer at school, please contact your Divisional Assistants (LS: Liz Wager, MS: Ruth Iwamoto, USB: Danyell Jensen-Noa and USG: Lisa Bazanella) to ensure that the proper paperwork has been completed. This includes our Board of Trustees and AWSPA. The Divisional Assistant will provide the Annie Wright Human Resources Manager with your legal name and email address to process the background check through our Background Check vendor CICS Employment Services. You will receive an email from our background check provider, CICS Employment Services, Inc. Please fill out the required information so that we can complete a background check. The CICS request will be sent to your personal email provided. Background checks can take anywhere from a few days to a week or more to process depending on where you have lived and worked, so please keep that in mind if you have a need for a short turnaround. 

    Krystal Malhotra
    AWSPA President

Upper School for Boys Info & Events

List of 9 items.

  • USB Summer Work: Challenge ’28

    During summer in the Northwest, “homework” ought to challenge students in a number of ways. To that end, we present an annual homework challenge. This year, Challenge ’28, presents a series of challenges that we hope students will choose to engage throughout the summer. We will both share our experiences and engage in new ones together during orientation in the fall.
  • USB Uniform & Civvies

    Wearing the school uniform ties students to a community tradition that bridges the past, present and future. Uniforms reinforce that students are proud to be part of a larger community and allow us to celebrate who students are focusing on their character, thoughts, and actions, rather than their attire. Additionally, uniforms provide families a cost-effective clothing solution that minimizes daily decision-making for students and parents and guardians alike. Thank you for helping support your student in upholding this tradition.

    Here is a quick summary of our dress codes at Annie Wright for this school year:
    • DAILY: The daily Upper School uniform is more casual than the dress uniform. The daily uniform list is here, on the first page.
    • DRESS: The dress uniform is more formal than the daily uniform. It is reserved for specific events where more formal attire is required - part of the purpose of these uniforms is to encourage the understanding that different moments call for different formality in our outfits. The dress uniform list is here, on the second page. 
    • CIVVIES: There are designated civvies days when students may wear street clothes of choice (sometimes surrounding a theme), so long as those clothes are appropriate for school.
    • SPIRIT: On specifically designated spirit days, students wear uniform bottoms with tie color t-shirts or sweatshirts.
    Uniform policies can be found in the All School Student-Parent Handbook

    Shop for uniforms online:
    For more uniform information, including used uniform availability, please see "Uniforms" in the All School section, above.

    Erin Gann or 253.284.4343
  • USB Supplies

    Teachers will inform students about needed supplies during the first week of school, so we encourage families to wait until after school has started to purchase supplies. The one exception is that all students are required to purchase a Texas Instruments TI-84 (Plus or Plus CE) graphing calculator. This is the only approved graphing calculator for math and science courses, and we encourage families to take advantage of back-to-school sales for this prior to the start of school.  

    Additionally, in the Upper Schools, our Learning Support team advises that students maintain an academic organization system of their choice. We recognize that Upper School students may prefer to use online calendars. All Grade 9 students will receive a student planner during the first week of school, as will students with a scheduled study hall. In addition, any Upper School student may request an AWS student planner at the Learning Center in room 2601.
  • US Arts

    T/W/Th, 8:15 - 8:55 am. Join the legendary Dr. Anna Jensen, Executive Director of Tacoma Youth Symphony Association, for Upper School Orchestra. This esteemed program welcomes intermediate and advanced string players in a rigorous, team-based approach to ensemble music. School instruments available for loan. Annual concert & tour calendar coming mid-summer. Sign-up here.

    Mainstage-ready performers are invited to audition for seasonal productions in the Fall (Upper & Middle students) and Winter (Upper School students). Auditions for this fall’s production Alice in Wonderland will be August 26, 27 & 28, 4:30 - 6:30 pm. Rehearsals M-F, 4:30 - 6:30 pm, with occasional Saturdays through the November 1-3 performance weekend. This whimsical and imaginary production involvement offers professional-grade experiences for student musicians, actors, technicians, and designers. Sign-up here.

    M-Th, 4:30 - 6:00 pm. This program is for students wanting to diversify and accelerate their work over a ~9 week intensive. Varsity Arts teams work with professional artists, local college & community programs, and medium-specific coaches on large-scale and independent works. In the fall season of Visual Art Portfolio, students collaborate to curate a community mural & gallery, while refining technique and individual pieces for portfolio development and contest submission. Upcoming Varsity Arts Seasons: Music Production (winter) and Film Production (spring). Sign-up here.

    Applications due to by September 2, 2024 for Grade 12 visual artists, musicians, film-makers, writers, dancers. Student artists submit 3-5 show ready works to be featured at the Artist Laureate Salon in late September. In addition to featuring their work and sharing about their unique processes and mediums, selected artists receive opportunities for customized mentorship and/or extended professional resources along the way. A distinguished program for distinguished, self-driven artists. 
    Before and after school hours, our two basement music studios are available to Tacoma-area music instructors for the purpose of private music instruction. Music instructors and their AWS students contract directly with one another rather than through the school. Any family has the opportunity to inquire directly with instructors for purposes of vetting, scheduling, contracting, payment, and communication -- all of which is determined by and between individual instructors and students’ families. Click here to learn more about the instructors offering their services before or after school on AWS campus, and email them directly with your interest.

    Annie Katica Green
    Director of Arts
  • USB Athletics

    USB Football will start on Wednesday, August 21. All other Fall Upper School sports will start on Monday, August 26 for day and boarding students. All practices will run 4:30-6:30 pm (Tennis may have slightly altered times due to court availability). Contests will start in early September and run through the end of October.  If you have not yet done so, please use this form to express interest in ONE sport for the upcoming fall season. Coaches will then be able to communicate directly with your family/guardian starting later this month. If you do not intend on participating this fall, there's no need to fill this out. Reach out to Mike Finch with questions. Go Gators!!!

    Summer Athletics Training
    Calendars for soccer, basketball, and football summer trainings and games are available here. All rising Grade 9-12 students - new and returning - are welcome to attend each session.
    • Football: Coach Mike Finch (
    • Tennis: Coach Stefan Green (
    • Cross Country: Coach Troy Droubay ( 
    Mike Finch
    Director of Athletics or 253.284.8654 
  • New Student Math Course Recommendations

    All new Annie Wright Upper School students have received a math course placement based on performance on the math admissions test in combination with data from their transcript and teacher recommendation. Our rising Grade 9 students who previously attended Annie Wright in Middle School received their recommendation based on their progress against benchmarks in their Grade 8 math course. Check your child’s end of year report for that math course placement sent earlier this summer or reach out to your Division Director.

    Students can challenge their math placement by taking a Math Placement Challenge Test. This exam is offered in person at Annie Wright Schools on July 9, July 22, August 14, and August 30 (for International and boarding students only).

    Students interested in challenging their math placement should reach out to their Division Director for scheduling information:

    USG: Eireann Corrigan ( 
    USB: Jeremy Stubbs (
  • USB New Student Orientation & Opening Days: August 27 - August 30

    Tuesday, August 27
    9:00 am - 12:00 pm

    We will run an academic and logistical orientation for ALL students and families new to the USB. This includes ALL Grade 9 students (including those who matriculated from the AWS Middle School), as well as any Grade 10, 11, or 12 students who are new to Annie Wright.

    Parents and guardians are invited to a brief orientation beginning at 11:30 am in the Great Hall. The orientation will conclude in time to collect your students at noon.
    Academic Classes Begin
    Wednesday, August 28
    8:55 am

    Students should arrive in uniform no later than 8:55 am. (See First Day of School pictures, in the All School section!) The day starts at 9:00 am, so plan to be early to be on time. We will run a modified schedule with all six classes meeting. There will also be other scheduled activities to help students orient to our schedule, our community, and (s)Electives. Students should be in regular or dress uniform for the first day of classes.
    Thursday, August 29, and Friday, August 30
    9:00 am

    During these two days, we have scheduled our community-building orientation, parts of which will be held in conjunction with the Upper School for Girls. The day will be filled with fun and non-academic activities designed to better acquaint students with their peers, their teachers and our campus.

    These days will be active and students should dress in school appropriate civvies for the two days. We will be outside at times, and students should wear clothing (especially shoes) that they won’t mind getting dirty. 

    Please count on Thursday, August 29 being a later evening. We will serve all students dinner and then enjoy a USB campfire presented by our Yellow Tie seniors. This program should conclude by 7:30 pm. Afterward, Yellow Ties will enjoy s’mores and depart the Commons by 8:30 pm. 
  • US New Family Welcome Reception: August 29

    Thursday, August 29
    6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

    While students are enjoying Campfire, new parents and guardians to the Upper Schools (and returning parents/guardians who would like to join!) are invited to a welcome reception in the Atrium hosted by the Admissions team. It will be an informal chance to meet other new families, as well as school administrators.
  • Upper Schools Back to School Night: September 12

    Thursday, September 12
    6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

    Please come to campus to meet the faculty and administration early in the school year. We will serve light hors d'oeuvres and drinks and have a few introductions to kick off the event. This is an informal way for adults to get to know adults.  We will not be discussing grades or student performance but look forward to building our partnership.

Upper School for Girls Info & Events

List of 9 items.

  • USG Summer Work: Read | Watch | Listen

    Read|Watch|Listen (RWL) replaces traditional “summer reading” with an engaging, relevant, community-building experience that helps students gain greater sociocultural awareness. It is entirely optional, non-assessed, and a fun way to connect with ideas and one another. Students, faculty, and families are encouraged to engage the program to whatever degree they’d like.

    The Lists This year’s rising Yellow Tie seniors identified books, movies, and albums that they believe AWS students should be familiar with. These selections represent a wide range of perspectives and voices, and each one tells a different type of story. The Yellow Tie class invites the community to “Choose Your Own Adventure”. They ask that an adventure is chosen either Growing Up, Raising Awareness, or Courage and that students engage in all three categories of that chosen theme. 

    *Disclaimer: Some of the RWL works are for a mature audience. Students should talk with their families before watching, reading, or listening to any of the works below. 

    This Summer.
    For summer 2024, students are encouraged to read the books, watch the movies, and listen to the albums in their chosen adventure. The RWL list selections are here.
  • USG Uniform & Civvies

    Wearing the school uniform ties students to a community tradition that bridges the past, present and future. Uniforms reinforce that students are proud to be part of a larger community and allow us to celebrate who students are focusing on their character, thoughts, and actions, rather than their attire. Additionally, uniforms provide families a cost-effective clothing solution that minimizes daily decision-making for students and parents and guardians alike. Thank you for helping support your student in upholding this tradition.

    Here is a quick summary of our dress codes at Annie Wright for this school year:
    • DAILY: The daily Upper School uniform is more casual than the dress uniform. The daily uniform list is here, on the first page.
    • DRESS: The dress uniform is more formal than the daily uniform. It is reserved for specific events where more formal attire is required - part of the purpose of these uniforms is to encourage the understanding that different moments call for different formality in our outfits. The dress uniform list is here, on the second page. 
    • CIVVIES: There are designated civvies days when students may wear street clothes of choice (sometimes surrounding a theme), so long as those clothes are appropriate for school.
    • SPIRIT: On specifically designated spirit days, students wear uniform bottoms with tie color t-shirts or sweatshirts.
    Uniform policies can be found in the All School Student-Parent Handbook

    Shop for uniforms online:
    For more uniform information, including used uniform availability, please see "Uniforms" in the All School section, above.

    Erin Gann or 253.284.4343
  • USG Supplies

    Teachers will inform students about needed supplies during the first week of school, so we encourage families to wait until after school has started to purchase supplies. The one exception is that all students are required to purchase a Texas Instruments TI-84 (Plus or Plus CE) graphing calculator. This is the only approved graphing calculator for math and science courses, and we encourage families to take advantage of back-to-school sales for this prior to the start of school.  

    Additionally, in the Upper Schools, our Learning Support team advises that students maintain an academic organization system of their choice. We recognize that Upper School students may prefer to use online calendars. All Grade 9 students will receive a student planner during the first week of school, as will students with a scheduled study hall. In addition, any Upper School student may request an AWS student planner at the Learning Center in room 2601.
  • US Arts

    T/W/Th, 8:15 - 8:55 am. Join the legendary Dr. Anna Jensen, Executive Director of Tacoma Youth Symphony Association, for Upper School Orchestra. This esteemed program welcomes intermediate and advanced string players in a rigorous, team-based approach to ensemble music. School instruments available for loan. Annual concert & tour calendar coming mid-summer. Sign-up here.

    Mainstage-ready performers are invited to audition for seasonal productions in the Fall (Upper & Middle students) and Winter (Upper School students). Auditions for this fall’s production Alice in Wonderland will be August 26, 27 & 28, 4:30 - 6:30 pm. Rehearsals M-F, 4:30 - 6:30 pm, with occasional Saturdays through the November 1-3 performance weekend. This whimsical and imaginary production involvement offers professional-grade experiences for student musicians, actors, technicians, and designers. Sign-up here.

    M-Th, 4:30 - 6:00 pm. This program is for students wanting to diversify and accelerate their work over a ~9 week intensive. Varsity Arts teams work with professional artists, local college & community programs, and medium-specific coaches on large-scale and independent works. In the fall season of Visual Art Portfolio, students collaborate to curate a community mural & gallery, while refining technique and individual pieces for portfolio development and contest submission. Upcoming Varsity Arts Seasons: Music Production (winter) and Film Production (spring). Sign-up here.

    Applications due to by September 2, 2024 for Grade 12 visual artists, musicians, film-makers, writers, dancers. Student artists submit 3-5 show ready works to be featured at the Artist Laureate Salon in late September. In addition to featuring their work and sharing about their unique processes and mediums, selected artists receive opportunities for customized mentorship and/or extended professional resources along the way. A distinguished program for distinguished, self-driven artists. 
    Before and after school hours, our two basement music studios are available to Tacoma-area music instructors for the purpose of private music instruction. Music instructors and their AWS students contract directly with one another rather than through the school. Any family has the opportunity to inquire directly with instructors for purposes of vetting, scheduling, contracting, payment, and communication -- all of which is determined by and between individual instructors and students’ families. Click here to learn more about the instructors offering their services before or after school on AWS campus, and email them directly with your interest.

    Annie Katica Green
    Director of Arts
  • USG Athletics

    Fall Upper School sports will start on Monday, August 26 for day and boarding students. All practices will run 4:30-6:30 pm. Contests will start in early September and run through the end of October.  If you have not yet done so, please use this form to express interest in ONE sport for the upcoming fall season. Coaches will then be able to communicate directly with your family starting later this month. If you do not intend on participating this fall, there's no need to fill this out. Reach out to Mike Finch with questions. Go Gators!!!

    Summer Athletics Training
    Calendars for soccer, basketball, football, and volleyball summer trainings and games are available here. All rising Grade 9-12 students - new and returning - are welcome to attend each session.
    • Cross Country: Coach Troy Droubay (
    • Volleyball: Coach Tahia Malu (
    • Soccer: Coach Alex Megson (
    Mike Finch
    Director of Athletics or 253.284.8654

  • New Student Math Course Recommendations

    All new Annie Wright Upper School students have received a math course placement based on performance on the math admissions test in combination with data from their transcript and teacher recommendation. Our rising Grade 9 students who previously attended Annie Wright in Middle School received their recommendation based on their progress against benchmarks in their Grade 8 math course. Check your child’s end of year report for that math course placement sent earlier this summer or reach out to your Division Director.

    Students can challenge their math placement by taking a Math Placement Challenge Test. This exam is offered in person at Annie Wright Schools on July 9, July 22, August 14, and August 30 (for International and boarding students only).

    Students interested in challenging their math placement should reach out to their Division Director for scheduling information:

    USG: Eireann Corrigan ( 
    USB: Jeremy Stubbs (
  • USG New Student Orientation & Opening Days: August 27 - August 30

    New Student Orientation
    Tuesday, August 27
    9:00 am - 12:00 pm

    We will run an academic and logistical orientation for ALL students new to the USG. This includes ALL Grade 9 students (including those who matriculated from the AWS Middle School), as well as any Grade 10, 11, or 12 students who are new to Annie Wright. 

    Parents are invited to a brief orientation beginning at 11:30 am in the Great Hall. The orientation will conclude in time to collect your students at noon.
    First Day of Classes
    Wednesday, August 28

    We will run a modified schedule with all six classes meeting. There will also be other scheduled activities to help students orient to our schedule, our community, and our (s)Electives programming. Students should be in regular or dress uniform for the first day of classes.
    Upper Schools Orientation
    Thursday, August 29, and Friday, August 30

    During these two days, we have scheduled our community-building orientation, parts of which will be held in conjunction with the Upper School for Boys. The day will be filled with fun activities designed to better acquaint students with their peers, with their teachers, and with our campus.
    Please count on Thursday, August 29 being a later evening. We will serve all students dinner and then enjoy a USG campfire presented by our Yellow Tie seniors. This program should conclude by 7:30 pm. Afterward, Yellow Ties will enjoy s’mores and depart the Commons by 8:30 pm.
  • US New Family Welcome Reception: August 29

    Thursday, August 29
    6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

    While students are enjoying Campfire, new parents and guardians to the Upper Schools (and returning parents/guardians who would like to join!) are invited to a welcome reception in the Atrium hosted by the Admissions team. It will be an informal chance to meet other new families, as well as school administrators.
  • Upper Schools Back to School Night: September 12

    Thursday, September 12
    6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

    Please come to campus to meet the faculty and administration early in the school year. We will serve light hors d'oeuvres and drinks and have a few introductions to kick off the event. This is an informal way for adults to get to know adults.  We will not be discussing grades or student performance but look forward to building our partnership.

Upper School Boarding Info & Events

List of 9 items.

  • US Residential Life Mission & Values

    To provide a healthy living environment in which students are part of an engaged community focused on personal responsibility, character development, wellness and social growth.

    The expectation is that these values are to be used to guide the daily choices and behaviors of the boarding community, and that, after our students graduate, they will continue to champion these ideals in the wider world beyond Annie Wright.
    APPRECIATION. We strive to be grateful for the benefits and privileges that enrich our lives and for the lessons and relationships that make us better people.
    BALANCE. We strive to harmonize the varied elements that make up our lives, working to create a positive equilibrium among relationships, health, work and personal time. When considering the costs of our activities and goals we seek sustainability.
    COMPASSION. We strive to always be kind and generous to others, regardless of what they may offer in return. We believe it is never wrong to offer care and love to anyone.
    COURAGE. We strive to challenge our minds and our bodies. We stand up for ourselves, for others, and for what we believe is right. We risk the comfort of the familiar to learn more about the world and about ourselves. 
    INTEGRITY. We strive to conduct ourselves with honor, to follow through on our commitments, and to always act in good faith. We share all resources fairly and do our part to support our community. 
    RESPECT. We strive to honor ourselves, our communities, and the larger world around us, always treating others as we wish to be treated. 
    RESPONSIBILITY. We strive to excel at all our obligations. We do this because it is how we best support the welfare of our dorm, our school, our communities, and our world. 
    FAMILY. We share bonds beyond those of friendship. We work, play and live together, supporting each other through our highs and lows, with the love and caring that make us family.
  • US Residential Life Handbook

    The 2024-2025 Residential Life Handbook is a wealth of information about boarding life and policies.

    Please read through the handbook and direct any questions to Jeff Barber, Director of Residential Life at
  • US Residential Life Packing List

    Required Items 
    Students must supply the following items for their personal use in the residence hall. All items should be indelibly marked with the owners’ names. Annie Wright cannot be responsible for the loss or damage of personal items. 
    • Alarm clock or equivalent 
    • Shower items – toiletries, shower caddy, shower shoes, and bathrobe 
    • Bedding – pillow(s), two sets of twin sheets and pillowcases, blanket or comforter and optional bedspread 
    • Clothing – personal clothing must meet school dress standards. Winters are cold and wet so bring appropriate outerwear. 
    • Desk lamp – LED or fluorescent lamps only – incandescent and halogen bulbs are not allowed in the dorm. 
    • Laundry supplies – High Efficiency (HE) liquid detergent (liquid detergent pouches are supplied by the school), stain cleaning supplies, softener and laundry hamper/bag 
    • Clothes hangers (there are often many free hangers intentionally left in rooms from the previous year) 
    • Bath towels – two sets 
    • Small waste basket
    • Food storage container – students planning to keep non-refrigerated food in their rooms should bring a medium-sized plastic tub with a tight- fitting lid to use for storage.
    • Dishes and utensils – students are encouraged to bring their own reusable plates, bowls, cups and flatware for food they choose to take outside the dining hall or student kitchens. 
    Optional Items 
    Although the AWS dorm rooms are comfortable, space is limited and students should be thoughtful about, and minimize, what they bring to school. Roommates are encouraged to share larger items like floor lamps, throw rugs or end tables to conserve both space and electricity.
    • Hair dryer 
    • Fusible power strip – students who need more than two electrical outlets must bring a fusible power strip/surge protector. Non-fusible power strips and extension cords are fire hazards and are not permitted in the dorm. 
    • Music devices – small music systems, digital players or computers with speakers are allowed. Headphones are required if students wish to listen to music during scheduled quiet hours. 
    • Small bookshelf
    • Small dry-erase message board 
    • Area rug
    • Decorations and posters 
    • Refrigerators – only juniors and seniors may have refrigerators in their rooms. Refrigerators must not exceed 3 cubic feet in size. 
    • Sports and outdoor gear – students interested in participating in non-school sports and outdoor activities (hiking, biking, camping, snowboarding, etc.) should bring their own personal gear. Helmets and other safety gear are required for any activity where its use is best practice.
    Prohibited Items 
    The following items are not allowed in the residence hall. The dorm parent staff reserves the right to decide if any item represents a safety hazard or is not in keeping with community standards. 
    • Animals of any kind are not allowed in the dorms - including fish. 
    • Weapons, simulated weapons or potentially dangerous items of any kind, including knives, martial arts equipment and even fake guns. 
    • Any heat producing or cooking devices – such as hot plates, hot pots, electric kettles, toasters, coffee makers of any kind, microwave ovens, space heaters or electric blankets. 
    • Any items that create flame – such as matches or lighters 
    • Any flammable materials – such as candles, lighter fluid, fireworks, or incense 
    • Non-fusible power strips or extension cords 
    • Halogen or incandescent bulb lamps 
    • Flammable lampshades or dressings 
    • Televisions 
    • Prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements or vitamins – unless approved by the school nurse 
    • Recreational drugs, alcohol, tobacco products or associated paraphernalia of any kind 
    • Posters, pictures, banners or other items that reference alcohol, drugs, tobacco, violence, hatred, or other inappropriate themes 
    Students found in possession of any prohibited items may face serious disciplinary consequences that could include going before Honor Council, suspension or expulsion. The residential faculty reserves the right to search student rooms at any time and to confiscate any prohibited items. 
    Annie Wright Schools assumes no liability for personal property, and students should not bring expensive personal items to school or keep cash exceeding $20 in their rooms. 
  • US Residential Life Travel Days & Dorm Open/Close Dates

    The dorm parent staff provides transport to the local bus and train stations, and the Seattle-Tacoma Airport, as students arrive or depart campus for school breaks. Transport is generally only provided on designated travel days.
    Please review the 2024-2025 travel days and dorm open/close dates before booking your transportation to and from AWS.
  • US Arrival Travel Form: Due August 8 (REQUIRED!)

    At the end of August, we will be welcoming you to campus and we can't wait! As a reminder, EVERY boarding student is required to complete this ARRIVAL TRAVEL FORM no later than August 8.

    • For students who are local or arriving with parents, the form is an easy few clicks and necessary for dorm planning. Completing travel forms is routine for each and every break, so please start building the habit now.
    • Flight changed since completing this form? Please resubmit so we have the most up to date information 
    • Pay attention to your email the second week of August for the pickup schedule, along with detailed information about where to meet dorm parents for airport, bus or train transportation, if this is your first time arriving in Seattle.
    If you have specific questions regarding transportation or your arrival, email Tessa Thurman, Dorm Parent, at
  • US Move-In for Prefects

    Monday, August 19
    9:00 am - 12:00 pm
    AWS Main Building

    Dorms will open for all prefects, only.
  • US Move-In for Fall Athletes & New Boarders: August 26

    Monday, August 26
    9:00 am - 12:00 pm
    AWS Main Building

    Dorms will open for fall athletes and newly admitted boarding students. Please plan to arrive between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm.

  • US Move-In for Returning Boarders: August 27

    Tuesday, August 27
    9:00 am - 12:00 pm
    AWS Main Building

    Dorms will open for all returning boarding students.
  • US Medical Insurance for International Students

    As part of the enrollment contract, AWS purchases a Student Accident & Sickness Plan for any international student holding an F1 visa. Insurance is ordered in mid-August and is valid from August 20 to August 20 each year. A copy of the 2024-2025 Student Accident & Sickness Plan is available here (also available in Mandarin here and Spanish here). Insurance cards will be given to students when they arrive on campus.

    Questions about medical appointments, coverage, and claims should be directed to the AWS school nurse, Paula Coumou, at
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