Required Items
Students must supply the following items for their personal use in the residence hall. All items should be indelibly marked with the owners’ names. Annie Wright cannot be responsible for the loss or damage of personal items.
• Alarm clock or equivalent
• Shower items – toiletries, shower caddy, shower shoes, and bathrobe
• Bedding – pillow(s), two sets of twin sheets and pillowcases, blanket or comforter and optional bedspread
• Clothing – personal clothing must meet school dress standards. Winters are cold and wet so bring appropriate outerwear.
• Desk lamp – LED or fluorescent lamps only – incandescent and halogen bulbs are not allowed in the dorm.
• Laundry supplies – High Efficiency (HE) liquid detergent (liquid detergent pouches are supplied by the school), stain cleaning supplies, softener and laundry hamper/bag
• Clothes hangers (there are often many free hangers intentionally left in rooms from the previous year)
• Bath towels – two sets
• Small waste basket
• Food storage container – students planning to keep non-refrigerated food in their rooms should bring a medium-sized plastic tub with a tight- fitting lid to use for storage.
• Dishes and utensils – students are encouraged to bring their own reusable plates, bowls, cups and flatware for food they choose to take outside the dining hall or student kitchens.
Optional Items
Although the AWS dorm rooms are comfortable, space is limited and students should be thoughtful about, and minimize, what they bring to school. Roommates are encouraged to share larger items like floor lamps, throw rugs or end tables to conserve both space and electricity.
• Hair dryer
• Fusible power strip – students who need more than two electrical outlets must bring a fusible power strip/surge protector. Non-fusible power strips and extension cords are fire hazards and are not permitted in the dorm.
• Music devices – small music systems, digital players or computers with speakers are allowed. Headphones are required if students wish to listen to music during scheduled quiet hours.
• Small bookshelf
• Small dry-erase message board
• Area rug
• Decorations and posters
• Refrigerators – only juniors and seniors may have refrigerators in their rooms. Refrigerators must not exceed 3 cubic feet in size.
• Sports and outdoor gear – students interested in participating in non-school sports and outdoor activities (hiking, biking, camping, snowboarding, etc.) should bring their own personal gear. Helmets and other safety gear are required for any activity where its use is best practice.
Prohibited Items
The following items are not allowed in the residence hall. The dorm parent staff reserves the right to decide if any item represents a safety hazard or is not in keeping with community standards.
• Animals of any kind are not allowed in the dorms - including fish.
• Weapons, simulated weapons or potentially dangerous items of any kind, including knives, martial arts equipment and even fake guns.
• Any heat producing or cooking devices – such as hot plates, hot pots, electric kettles, toasters, coffee makers of any kind, microwave ovens, space heaters or electric blankets.
• Any items that create flame – such as matches or lighters
• Any flammable materials – such as candles, lighter fluid, fireworks, or incense
• Non-fusible power strips or extension cords
• Halogen or incandescent bulb lamps
• Flammable lampshades or dressings
• Televisions
• Prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements or vitamins – unless approved by the school nurse
• Recreational drugs, alcohol, tobacco products or associated paraphernalia of any kind
• Posters, pictures, banners or other items that reference alcohol, drugs, tobacco, violence, hatred, or other inappropriate themes
Students found in possession of any prohibited items may face serious disciplinary consequences that could include going before Honor Council, suspension or expulsion. The residential faculty reserves the right to search student rooms at any time and to confiscate any prohibited items.
Annie Wright Schools assumes no liability for personal property, and students should not bring expensive personal items to school or keep cash exceeding $20 in their rooms.