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Strategic Plan 2021-2025

2021-2025 Strategic Plan Update: Health & Wellness

The third strand of our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan entrusts AWS with "Fostering a Culture of Wellness." While tending to the whole student has been central to the mission of Annie Wright Schools, COVID has certainly underlined the critical importance of focusing on student and employee health and wellness. 
At the heart of this strand is the creation of our Health & Wellness Working Group. Designed to mirror in form and function our DEI Working Group, this team of faculty and staff is partnering with students, parents, alumni and board members in three key subcommittees this year that are designed to begin the process of identifying what a best-in-class health and wellness program looks like for students and for faculty and staff, and what tools, questions and systems are needed to ensure we are delivering these programs effectively. 
To guide this important work, the Working Group, led this year by Athletic Director Mike Finch and Upper Schools Counselor Jenna Lott and with the support and participation of several Board members, crafted a Health & Wellness Mission Statement which was unanimously adopted by the Board of Trustees at their February 25 Board meeting. We are thrilled to share this statement with you and are excited to work with our community to see this mission statement come to life.
Health & Wellness Mission Statement
Annie Wright Schools believes the development of self-awareness and a culture of proactive engagement are the pillars to developing responsible and resilient global citizens who genuinely care for themselves and others.
We acknowledge that being well educated extends beyond academics. We pursue a holistic, responsive and intentional approach to individual and collective well-being that emphasizes balance, physical and emotional health.
We recognize the responsibility we have to each other as part of a strong community and embrace our commitment to develop and present our best selves in each of our interactions.
We commit to regularly redefine and reimagine the ways in which health and wellness are nurtured at Annie Wright Schools for our students, faculty and staff. We purposefully engage in practices that support Alignment, encourage Resilience, develop Connection and embrace holistic Health both within the individual and across educational and curricular spaces.