Publications & Reports

Annual Philanthropy Report 2022-2023


Thank you to all of Annie Wright Schools' donors, supporters and volunteers. Your investments in Annie Wright Schools support excellent education, inspire teachers to dream big for their students, provide plentiful programming, and bolster this iconic institution. 

Donors are recognized for their contributions to Annie Wright Schools during the fiscal year of July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. Thank you also to the many individuals and institutions who gave anonymously.

List of 9 items.

  • Visionaries Society: $10,000+

    Sally Peterson Atherton '66 and Robert Atherton
    Calvin and Joanne Bamford
    Bates Family Foundation
    Andrew and Kendall Becherer
    Betty Lou (Ervin) Broderick '53
    Korum for Kids Foundation
    Nathan and Carly Roberts
    Merrill (Wagner) Ryman '53
    Elizabeth (Dunn) Schilt '48
    Grace* (Rexroth) Seaman '48
    The LABB, The Wells Family Foundation
    Emily (McFadon) Vincent '49 and Bob Vincent
  • Founders Society: $5,000-$9,999

    Shelly Abella-Davis and Jeffrey Davis
    Air Systems Northwest, Inc.
    Robert Bessler and Michele Cannon Bessler
    Li-ling Chen and Heng-yi Lin
    Norm and Suzie Dicks
    Judith (Yengling) Forkner '63
    Anne Middleton Foster '70 and Will Foster
    Gwen and Douglas Gill
    Keith and Nikki Hall
    Herbert Hallman
    Darran and Li-Er Hanson
    Michelle Hunter-Behrend and Glen Behrend
    Lucky Seven Foundation
    B. Corry and Donna McFarland
    Jane (Weyerhaeuser) McFee '60
    Ellen and Richard Middleton
    Linda (Waldherr) Riggio '67
    Ross and Laura Treleven
    David and Kenny Tuckerman
    Chaya Venkatesh and Tomer Vandsburger
    The Walkey Family
  • Arches Society: $2,500-$4,999

    Diane Bai and Clay Zhang
    Christine and John Bray
    Allison Campbell and Jason Loan
    Stephanie Cook '88
    James Defebaugh and Kristina Maritczak
    Sally and Bob Freedman
    Jake Guadnola '90MS and Stacey Guadnola
    Dana and Joshua Johnston
    Brody and Chanda Kunz
    Martha Lantz and Andrew Fitz
    Kyu and Mabel Lee
    Bo Liu
    Bradley Roberts and Rebekke Von Hessert
    Jenny and Peter Sheridan
    Julie Sims
    Derek and Doug Stanley-Hunt
    Michael and Reema Stewart
    David Zhang and Lucy Yan
  • Pioneers Society: $1,000-$2,499

    James and Susan Baillon
    Baker Family Foundation
    Thomas Baker and Stephanie Halstead
    Laura Bales '85 and Geoffrey Dugan
    Koji and Yuki Ban
    Li Bao and Qiang Zhang
    Erete Bloom and Peter Brown
    Bobby's Fund Foundation
    Boeing Gift Matching Program
    Dave and Cappri Boitano
    Jeff Bramel and Kim Chu
    Kenny and Kristin Byrne
    Todd and Holley Carlson
    Christina (Engl) Carroll '60
    Douglas and Cynthia Chaney
    Mezgebu Chefo and Etenesh Bogale
    Jong Ha Choi and Hyori Lee
    Francesca Eastman and Edward Goodstein
    Shirley* (Robbins) Baskin Familian '38
    Pamela Forbes and Gus Schattenberg
    FV Lil Annie Inc
    Aj Ghambari and Monica Loera-Sanchez
    Deborah and Thomas Goodall
    Heidi Grace
    Mary Ellen (Wiborg) Green '66MS and Larry Green
    Christine Smith Griffiths '95 and Jason Griffiths
    Ron Grondin and Lorie Hamiwka
    Greg Gu and Maggie Wang
    Xuying  Guan and Ji Xiao
    Daniel Guerra and Jee Young Kim
    Janelle Guirguis-Blake and Jeffrey Blake
    Amy and Michael Haedt
    Margund Primus Haskell '61 and John Haskell
    Walter and YongA Hassig
    Suzanne and David Hattery
    Nick Malden and Barbara Headley
    Lara Herrmann
    Damin Hu and Lihong Zhou
    Nanda Huang and Baiyi Li
    ITravel LLC
    Robert Iwamoto
    Hai Jin and Nuo Xu
    Wendy Kearns
    Damani Leech '90MS
    Amanda Lenderink-Carpenter and Brian Carpenter
    Phyllis Lewis
    Lu and Xingye Li
    Shuang Li and Jin Wang
    Heather and Christopher Linker
    Erin Mahan
    Krystal and Vinay Malhotra
    Maxine and Glendon McCallum
    Michael and Sheila McEvilly
    Microsoft Matching Gift Program
    Delinda (McCormick) Mix '50
    Elizabeth* Ayrault Moses '48 and Allen* Moses
    Marjorie Oda-Burns '66
    Hiroshi and Youmei Okamura
    Yash and Veena Pal
    Merritt Klarsch Pulliam '92 and J. Travis Pulliam
    Cordelia (Hartwell) Puttkammer '57 and Charles Puttkammer
    Sonia (Morales) Rodriguez True '92
    Rodger and Vicki Rozendaal
    Martha Ann Salt
    Brenda and Kevin Sanders
    Alicia and Glenn Sands
    Xin Shan and Xushen Zhang
    Skip Smith and Gayle Hampton-Smith
    Scott Suh and Lina Jeon
    Erik Sund and Monica Ghosh
    T-Mobile USA, Inc
    Lawrence and Jane Treleven
    Daniel and Lisa Wilmot
    Min Wu and Yu Mao
    Connie and Jason Yu
    Gilbert Zhang and Zheying Li
  • Innovators Society: $500-$999

    Philamer and Robert Adams
    Timothy and April Adams
    Deborah Kalahan Altschul '71 and Jeffrey Altschul
    Barbara Bowden
    Brooks Brainerd
    Jan and Judy Buennagel
    Shiv Chandrasekaran and Lavanya Sundararajan
    Irene Chen and Edwin Kuo
    Stephanie (Smith) Christensen '68
    Paul Daanen and Joanna Anderson
    Amber and Jason de la Vega
    Diane Lile DeAutremont '70 and Dan DeAutremont
    Alexandra and Paul Degenfelder
    Travis and Lindy Dodge
    Mark and Aracelly Friedman
    Owen Gabrielson and Megan Farr
    C'Ardiss Gardner Gleser and Joshua Gleser
    Martin and Lynea Gentry
    Thanongsak Himsoon and Wipawee Siriwongpairat
    Toni Orkney Hoffman '71 and Rod Hoffman
    Catherine Hu and Edwin Coe
    Lu Huang and Rui Meng
    Harpreet and Ritu Jaswal
    Jesse Jensen and Kimberly Aszklar
    Jiao Jiao and Yi Hu
    Chelen Johnson
    Danielle Kalitan and Todd Wetzel
    Drs. Manuel and Silvia La Rosa
    Shaena Langley
    Damon and Rebecca Alli Lanphear
    GJ and Arlette Laudy
    Samara and Timothy Laynor
    Lamar 'Mardi' Leland '58
    Suyang Li and Wenyan Chen-Li
    Thomas and Julie Martin
    Forrest Miller and Linda Sferra
    Suzanne and Elliott Mueller
    Brian Mulhall
    Deanne Nakamoto and Frank Farach
    Kristina and Troy Neill
    Robert Ory and Karen Holdner
    Angela and Clifford Ozaki
    Maria Rojas and Jorge Villamil
    Kevin Rose and Kathleen Pizzolatto
    Olga Sagan
    Kara and Sean Scanlan
    Jennifer and James Schmitz
    Marion Williamson Shipley '89 and Lance Shipley
    Brian Smith and Harbir Juj
    Cecilia and Christopher Sorci
    Jennifer and Kasper Sorensen
    Katherine Steuart and David Overton
    Shelli and Michael Strate
    Christian Sullivan and Lisa Isenman
    Anne Taufen
    Monica Torrez-Pfister and William Pfister
    David and Kathrine Traub
    Angela Treleven and Justin Persich
    Chi and Yuna Underwood
    Sreejith Vijayan and Shalini Ravikumar
    Yanjie Wang
    Jean and Justin Webber
    Darin and Maria Weber
    Rich Wildman and Zena Harris
    Shannon Wood and Andrew Kaufman
    Lirong Xie and Wenlin Chen
    Weiming Yi and Chantal Zheng
    Youngduck Yoo
    Sherry Yu and Xin Ma
    Zhou Zhou and Yuanyuan Fu
  • Friends of Annie Wright: $1-$499

    Bella Acharya
    Quinci Adams '09MS
    Alaska Airlines, Inc.
    Kim and Charles Allen
    Aaron Alva
    Keeley and Don Amundson
    Dewayne Anderson and Jonelle Foster-Anderson
    Dorothy Anderson
    Kimberly Anderson '96MS and Brett Sizemore
    Amalia Annest and Michael Case
    Eric Anton '97LS
    Jenny Aponte and Daniel Kingsbury
    The Rev. Elizabeth Appling '63 and Karen Eaton
    Debbie Arthur
    Bobbie and Chris Bailey
    Amber and Andrew Baillon
    Susan (Rooney) Baldwin '59
    Gregory Bamford and Shannon Armitage
    Laura and Jeff Barber
    Lisa Bazzanella
    Tyler Benjamin and Larry Meyer
    Kathryn Benson and Leslie Kastrop
    Hattie Bethke
    Jennifer Bills
    Mark Blanchard and Deby Tingley
    Dymphna and John Bloodworth
    Carol and Jon Bowser
    Andrew and Kaylie Braunstein
    Jessica Brennan and Daniel Ruiz Paredes
    Rebecca Brickman Moody and Randell Moody
    Medina Broadenax
    Ashley and Robert Brown
    Debbie and Michael Brown
    Donald and Aubrey Bruce
    Angela and Charles Bryan
    Janice and Warwick Bryant
    Sandra and Christopher Bush
    Patricia and Bradley Busick
    Allen Cai and Michelle Ng
    Andy and Hartleigh Caine
    Amber Calo and Rick Goral
    Corie Cameron and Sean Guay
    Gretchen (Collins) Campbell '60
    Scott Campbell
    Colette Candy
    Mara Cardenas
    Elizabeth and Nathan Cardozo
    Amy and Rain Carei
    Rachel and Scott Carroll
    Kelli and Brad Carson
    Beth Carter and Gareth Barkin
    Lara and Brian Carter
    Patricia (Sutherland) Carver '45
    Ashley Casey
    Lyndsey and David Casey
    Arturo and Patricia Casillas
    Britnie Casillas '17
    Tenley and Eric Cederstrand
    Fu and Amanda Chang
    Catherine (McCurdy) Chatalas '58
    Wenkang Che
    Bin Chen and Xun Sun
    David Cho and Sunita Benning
    Lorraine and Jeff Clare
    Sheri and Jim Clark
    Ashley Cobb and Richard Bell
    Andrew Conner and Margaret Freeman-Conner
    Zack Considine
    Nancy Cook
    Wendi and Steve Cook
    Diane and David Cooper
    Zeta and Justin Cooper
    Paisley Cristobal '21
    Arianda Crosby and Robert Grant
    Jeanne Cubanski and Roger Anderson
    Louise Culham and Greg Heacock
    Dorota Czub and Sylvester Mroczek
    Joseph Rey Dago-oc and Jocelyn Burgos-Dago-oc
    John Daniels and Amalia Maestas
    Sarah and Herbert Daniels
    Malcolm Davidson
    Scott and Shanley Deal
    Alison and Ken Deem
    Deborah and Ray Denison
    Ann Dickman '63LS and Daniel Koch
    Ann and Ryan Dicks
    Bradford Dillman and Joanne Clarke Dillman
    Eric Dimou and Alicia Carter
    Camille Seeley Dokken '61 and Gerald Dokken
    Andrea and Thomas Donovan
    Katherine Dorr '96 and Michael Churng
    Roberta Bradley Doster '61 and Richard Doster
    Karen Doten and Matthew Frantz
    Scott and Susan Doten
    Abigail Drivdahl
    Troy Droubay
    Sara Magoon Dudgeon '65 and Peter Dudgeon
    Eli Dugan '21
    Jamie and Matthew Dunning
    Kim-Trang Duong and Hung Nguyen
    Ashton Eather and Matt Garrett
    Marie Dodge Eaton '64 and Mary Ellen O'Keefe
    Phyllis Ann (Snyder) Ebersole '59
    Laura and Thomas Edgar
    Andres Eguiguren and Bao Tran
    Stephen and Cathy Elder
    Amber and Michael English
    Tony and Kala Escobar
    Jack Fallat and Christine Nettle
    Amber Fang '23
    Michelle and Saul Farber
    The Ferguson Family
    Janna Fikkan
    Barbara Finch
    Michael and Grace Finch
    Susan Flagg
    Sydney and Benjamin Foutz
    Craig and Claudia Fransen
    Britney and Travis Frazier
    Diane (Dapper) Freeman '59
    Elise Friedrich-Nielsen and Jeffrey Nielsen
    Carmen Frostholm
    Kirsten and Brian Gabele
    Erin and Joe Gann
    Kinder Garcha and Beyant Singh
    GE Foundation
    Peter Gibson
    Gregory and Dorothea Gicewicz
    Holly and Jesse Gilbert
    Amardeep and Amandeep Gill
    Phyllis (Ridge) Gill '49
    Ariel and Sam Glavick
    William Gleich
    Tracey Golding
    Richard Gould
    Jason Grassbaugh and Kirsty Kalkhoven
    Annie and Brian Green
    Alicia Grover Pugh
    Jennifer Haley '89
    Jenn Halverson Kuehn and Michael Kuehn
    Joffrey Hammond
    John Han and Ju Hyeon Kim
    Dorothea (Cragin) Hanich '63
    Betta Hanson
    Jennifer Hasson
    Matina Hawkins
    Lisa Hayek and Jaime Lopez Avendano
    Angela and Nicholas Heath
    Elizabeth (Morgan) Heath '58
    Joe and Judy Heidal
    Mollie and Brent Heilesen
    Megan Henry
    Nicola Hewitt and Francis Wartelle
    Evan Hildebrand
    James Hill
    Marisol Hinojosa and David McCoy
    Jordan and Jacob Hinton
    Lisa Hirschmann
    Monica Huggins
    Paul Hughes
    Ramandeep and Pavitsher Hundal
    Gang Huo and Yue Zhao
    Jennifer Irigoyen
    Lucy and Ruth Iwamoto
    Mi Jang and Young Ki Paik
    Sarah (Warn) Jellen '92 and Susan Gray
    Ethan Jeng
    Elizabeth Jensen Chew '75 and Jim Chew
    Janice Jepsen '73
    Stephanie Jewett and William Mitchell
    Saiyue Jiang and Feng Lin
    Xiaoxiao Jin and Zhizhong Cao
    Dominique' Jinhong and Maureen Smith
    Christina Johns
    LaCrystal Johnson
    Jeff Jones
    Nate Jones
    Lindsey Joyce
    Philip Kaiser and Kristy Merriman-Kaiser
    Elizabeth Phillips Kaufmann '61 and Jack Kaufmann
    Chelsea and Spencer Kelley
    Leah Keogh
    Nicharat and Peerapon Ketusiri
    Tanbir Khanuja and Harpreet Kaur
    Laura Kiely Kukreja and Sunil Kukreja
    Honggyu and Kisun Kim
    Ji and Antony Kim
    Kyu Kim and Jason Severns
    Dariam and Valton King II
    Alexandro Kirigin '98MS and Lauren Kirigin
    Amy and Brayton Knapp
    Joan Knapp and DeWayne Enyeart
    Eli Koransky
    Lisa Kremer
    Evelyn and Ousman Krubally
    Sonia and Larry Kunz
    Helena Barbey Lankton '68 and Milt Lankton
    Gerald and Patricia Le Frois
    Chau Le and Quan Vu
    Danny and Audrey Leckner
    Virginia (Ketcham) Lee '50
    Heidi and Mikey Lennon
    Katherine and George Leonard
    Marilyn (Earley) Lepape '52
    Marilyn (Kleinberg) Levin '47
    Sharon Levy
    George and Melissa Lewis
    Sophia and Stan Li
    Yvonne Liu and Mu Hu
    Roger and Tracy Lone
    Jenna Lott
    Katherine and Fredrik Lundin
    Carol (Goodwin) Lusk '51
    Emily and Amy Lynn
    Hongyan Ma and Hairong Zhu
    Frances and Tony Maas
    Mary Lou (Talbott) Macala '70
    Jessi Ruth MacLeod '60
    Bret Maddox and Amy Condon
    Kelli and Marc Managhan
    Madeline Mancuso '05MS
    Jackie and David Mangum
    Traci and Tracy Marshall
    Luke and Victoria Masselink
    Zeeba and Arun Mathews
    Wendy and Troy Matsuyama
    Jennifer Matthews-Hammock
    Keith Matthews
    James Mburu and Irene Njoroge
    Mary Ann Hyslop McClure '57 and James McClure
    Alyssa and Brendan McGuire
    Gayle McIntosh
    Angela (Salatino) McKee '82MS and Dale McKee
    Alex Megson and Ashley Cantu
    Maria Hoyle Menser '90 and Daniel Menser
    Amy and Justin Mesec
    Mrudula Mettime and Saikiran Karanam
    Lewis and Nina Meyer
    Sarah and Shaun Miller
    Mary and Justin Mingels
    Charles Minor
    Devon and Dan Morris-Burgard
    Jennifer and Mikael Mortensen
    Cindy Mueller
    Catherine Mulhall
    Jeremiah and Jacqueline Murlless
    Taylor Murrey '09MS
    Janet and Michael Murry
    Michael and Paula Murtha
    Charles Near and Kimberley Sampadian
    Jillian and Leon Nettels
    Network for Good
    Hai Ngo and Huyen Le
    Thi Thuc Anh Ngo and Dung Dao
    Linh and Luan Nguyen
    Jie Ni and Ying Zhang
    Jeffrey Petee and Kathryn Olson
    Stacey and Eli Olson
    Isaac and Cynthia Opoku
    Jeff and Jennifer Orr
    Chana Ou and Ken Hwahn
    Laura Overton
    Sue Overton
    Marjorie and Samuel Page
    Steven Palmer
    Haley Parks '13
    Stephen and Jamie Parrott
    Adrienne (Ottum) Peterson '04 and Daniel Peterson
    Elaine and Joseph Petrosky
    Michael Petrusic and Vanessa Witt
    Kiemanh Pham
    Linh Phan
    Leon Phillips
    Pinnacle Plumbing, Inc.
    Tia Pliskow and Carl McBee
    Melanie Porterfield and Anthony Valeta
    Lindsay Prairie Chicken and Jaison Elkins
    Kyle and Tiffany Price
    Roger and Susan Price
    Eric and Kelly Prime
    SueEllen and Justin Quick
    Sabareesan Radhakrishnan and Uma Maheswari Balasubramanian
    Wilfredo Rapoport and Edessa Bello-Rapoport
    Ellen (Pearson) Redfield '57
    David Reilly and Hao Ni
    Barrie Resnikoff
    Giavanna Reyna
    Michelle and Shaun Ripple
    Marianne Broz Rogers '63 and J. Scott Rogers
    Lametra Romain and Robert Clowers
    Peter Roppo and Berengaria Winkler
    Grace (Jones) Ross '66
    Meagan and Peter Ross
    Russell Matching Gifts Program
    Tyson and Suzanne Sagiao
    The Salam Family
    Norma Schellberg
    Robert and Dawn Scotlan
    Jodi and Scott Scribner
    Harjeet and Ajaipal Sekhon
    Jennifer Shafer
    James Shen and Jessie Feng
    Karen Gross Sherman '69 and Michael Sherman
    Dapu Shi
    Traci and Charles Shillito
    Jung Shin and Bu Kyung Chung
    Donald Sidman
    Magdalena and Scott Siegle
    Vikram Singh and Archana Thakur
    Fransje Slothouber Giles and Justin Giles
    Eva Smietana and Michael Espenan
    Ekaterina (Ivaschenko) Smith '95
    Katherine Smith and Michael Crow
    Katherine Smith and Jesse Alton
    Stephanie and Brett Smith
    Lindsey Snow
    John Song and Jasmine Han
    Peregrin Sorter and Yoshi Kumara
    Olivier Soustelle and Stacey Davis
    Tricia Speid and Vanessa Daniel
    Chris and Ashley Spivey
    Kimberly Stanfield and Ross Heasty
    Andrea and Andreas Stangenberg
    Shaina and Karl Stavem
    Katherine Stewart
    Adam Stonack
    Myah and David Stone
    Courtney and James Stowe
    Kimberly and Jack Stracke
    Amy and Ryan Strong
    Jeremy Stubbs and Katherine Miller
    Kim Stubbs
    Yumi Summers
    Susie Sun and Robin Lee
    Yiping Sun
    Bhuvana Sunil and Sunil Rangarajan
    Ross and Clare Swanes
    Tiffanie and Brandon Swenson
    Catharine Talbot-Lawson '63
    Kaylah Tan '21
    Barbara and Gregory Tanbara
    Eleanor Tanbara '19
    Madison Tanbara '13
    Carlye (Hawkins) Teel '60
    Max and Lauren Thayer
    The Blackbaud Giving Fund
    The Broadway Street Fund
    Nia and Bhabiswar Tiwari
    Greta Toledo
    Thanh Tran and Minh Hien Phan
    Mary Trodden '69
    Dawn and Joshua Turnipseed
    Barbara Turpin '80
    Poonum Vasishth
    Emil Verbovski and Mary Jones Verbovski
    Anusha Vupalapathi and Kiran Lekkala
    Paulette Wadsworth
    Elizabeth and Darren Wager
    Clare Wagstaff-Brown
    Josephine Wainaina and George Mbugua
    Chun Wang and Shiguang Li
    Yiying Wang and Hong Zhou
    Carie and Barry Ward
    Sara Waversveld and Todd Donato
    Allix Weber
    Barbara Wefferling
    David and Emily Weiland
    Bria Weir '98LS and Quinton Weir
    John Weir
    Sarah Wenzlick
    Cooper Wessells
    Bryan and Emily Weston
    Jonathan and Courtney Weyand
    Stephanie Whittle
    William and Masyih Wilde
    Amy Nyce Wildt '84 and Shaun Wildt
    Benjamin and Jen Willey
    Christopher and Renee Willis
    Hannah and Landon Wonser
    Daniel Wood
    Caroline Woodhams '61
    Christine Woods and Sean Ober
    Ben Woolley and Elizabeth Ayer
    Leslie and Anthony Wright
    Wei Wu
    Ying Wu and Zheng Shen
    Jianping Xu and Chunlin Li
    Robert Yep and Ayla Quellhorst
    Sam Hun and Myong Chae Yi
    Jean Young
    Luna Yu and Jun Song
    Alana and Jared Zautner
    Stephen Zemcik
    Jason Zhan and Selina Zhu
    Xiuhong Zhang and Xuehong Liu
    Nick Zosel-Johnson and Susan Sparrow
    Arianne Zwartjes
  • In-Kind Gifts

    2nd Grade Parents
    3rd Grade Parents
    4th Grade Parents
    5th Grade Parents
    Philamer and Robert Adams
    Al Lago Ristorante Italiano
    Alexandria Nicole Cellars
    All Ears Petcare
    Annie Wright Schools
    Anthony Angel Fine Jewelry
    Margaret Archbold
    Chris and Bobbie Bailey
    The Bellevue Collection
    Kathryn Benson and Leslie Kastrop
    Sheila Booze
    Andrew and Kaylie Braunstein
    Christine and John Bray
    Debbie and Michael Brown
    Amber Calo and Rick Goral
    Corie Cameron and Sean Guay
    Allison Campbell and Jason Loan
    Colette Candy
    Nathan and Elizabeth Cardozo
    Tenley and Eric Cederstrand
    Celebrity Cake Studio
    Lorraine and Jeff Clare
    Amy Condon '94MS and Bret Maddox
    Jeff Davis and Shelly Abella-Davis
    James Defebaugh and Kristina Maritczak
    Ann and Ryan Dicks
    Katherine Dorr '96 and Michael Churng
    El Gaucho
    Emerald City Guitars
    Fircrest Golf Club
    FLIK Independent School Dining
    Gateway to India
    Douglas and Gwen Gill
    Jason Grassbaugh and Kirsty Kalkhoven
    Jake Guadnola '90MS and Stacey Guadnola
    Natasha and Nolan Hackett
    Michael and Amy Haedt
    Nikki and Keith Hall
    Mollie and Brent Heilesen
    Lara Herrmann
    Michelle Hunter-Behrend and Glen Behrend
    Jack McCann Company
    Kindergarten Parents
    Amy and Brayton Knapp
    Brody and Chanda Kunz
    La Bella Nail and Spa Salon
    Shaena Langley
    Lisse Aesthetics at Haven Beauty Lab
    Vinay and Krystal Malhotra
    McCallum & Sons Whisky Co.
    Glen and Maxine McCallum
    Metro Tacoma Fencing Club
    Richard and Ellen Middleton
    Sarah and Martin Mourino
    Brian Mulhall
    Museum of Glass
    Olympia Country & Golf Club
    David Overton and Katherine Steuart
    Stephen and Jamie Parrott
    Rob and Cici Pfarr
    Leon Phillips
    Preschool 3-4 Parents
    Preschool 4-5 Parents
    Brien Pukis and Erika Currier
    Relaxed Rabbit Massage Therapy
    Gabriella Roppo
    Philip Roppo '22
    Meagan and Peter Ross
    Brenda and Kevin Sanders
    Ellen Seay-Palmer
    Traci and Charles Shillito
    Skip Smith and Gayle Hampton-Smith
    Michael and Elizabeth Snyder
    Christopher and Cecilia Sorci
    Shelli and Michael Strate
    Mike Swinkles
    Tacoma Stars
    Tacoma Urban Performing Arts Center
    Tacoma Wine Merchants
    The Lodges on Vashon
    The Steuart Foundation
    Total Wine & More
    Toyota of Olympia
    Western Washington Toyota Dealers Association
    Christine Woods and Sean Ober
    Ben Woolley and Elizabeth Ayer
    Leslie and Anthony Wright
  • 2022-23 Board of Trustees

    James "Jim" DefebaughChair
    David OvertonVice Chair
    John ParrottTreasurer
    Janelle Guirguis-BlakeSecretary
    Michele Cannon BesslerPast Chair
    Sally (Peterson) Atherton '66
    Diane Bai MD
    Medina Broadenax
    Tenley Cederstrand
    Stephanie Cook '88
    Jeffrey Davis
    William "Bill" L Driscoll
    Jason Griffiths
    Manuel La Rosa DDS
    Martha Lantz
    Damani Leech '90MS
    Marjorie Oda-Burns '66
    Merritt (Klarsch) Pulliam '92
    Kevin Sanders
    Monica Torrez-Pfister
    Rt. Rev. Brian PriorEx-Officio
    Alana ZautnerEx-Officio
    Jake Guadnola '94Ex-Officio
  • 2022-23 AWS Parents' Association

    Alana B. ZautnerPresident
    Jennifer MortensenVice President
    Julie MartinSecretary
    Amy HaedtTreasurer
    Berengaria WinklerSocial Media/Communications Chair
    Meehae Joo LS Volunteer Coordinator
    Amy CondonLower School Liaison
    Katherine L. DorrMS Liaison
    Alicia SandsUSB Liaison
    Sonia PalUSG Liaison
    Medina BroadenaxAthletics Booster
    Wendi CookMember at Large
    Stacey GuadnolaMember at Large
    Derek Stanley-HuntMember at Large
    Dawn TurnipseedMember at Large
    • #1 Boarding School in WA State

    • #1 Private K-12 School in WA State